Chapter 21 (Uninvited)

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Normal pov)

Lucifer hadn't known true peace since that broadcast. Every day, he felt like a shadow was lingering just out of sight, watching him, waiting for the right moment to strike. His castle, once a fortress of power and security, now felt like a labyrinth of uncertainty. Every creak, every echo in the halls sent shivers down his spine, and he found himself constantly looking over his shoulder. His mind was sharp, but exhaustion wore at him.

Alastor had always been patient. He enjoyed the game more than the outcome, relishing the slow unraveling of his prey. Weeks passed, and though the radio remained eerily silent, Lucifer's fear had only grown with each day that the Radio Demon remained unseen...

It was late one night when Lucifer's restless sleep was interrupted by a soft creak. His heart pounded in his chest as he jolted awake, his senses sharp, scanning the dark room. The moonlight barely filtered through the curtains, casting faint shadows across the walls. For a moment, all was silent.

Then, he saw it—a figure standing in the corner, shrouded in the shadows but unmistakable. Alastor's tall silhouette loomed in the darkness, his crimson eyes gleaming. And there, cutting through the black like a sickle through the night, was his wide, signature smile, gleaming and sharp, as though it was carved out of his face.

"Oh dear, did I wake you?" Alastor's voice, dripping with false cheer, sent a wave of cold dread down Lucifer's spine.

Lucifer froze, his body betraying him as fear gripped his heart. He wanted to move, to act, but his limbs were paralyzed by the same terror that had plagued him for years. Alastor's presence was suffocating, the familiar darkness he exuded filling every corner of the room.

"You've been on edge, haven't you, my dear Lucifer?" Alastor stepped forward, his form becoming clearer in the faint light. "Did you miss me?" His voice was soft, almost intimate, yet each word felt like a blade cutting through the air.

Lucifer couldn't speak. His throat was dry, and all he could do was stare, wide-eyed, at the figure that haunted his every waking moment. Alastor moved closer, his eyes never leaving Lucifer, feeding off the fear that radiated from him.

"You've grown strong again," Alastor mused, his smile widening as he took in Lucifer's form. "But the fear—it's still there, isn't it?" He leaned in slightly, the glow from his eyes illuminating his twisted, grinning face. "You can't hide it..."

Lucifer's shoulders twitched involuntarily, a nervous response to the suffocating presence in the room. He could feel his heart racing, pounding painfully against his chest, but he refused to speak.

"You used to flinch when I got this close." Alastor chuckled softly, almost fondly. "And yet here you are, still trembling... but stronger now." He raised his hand as if to reach out, but stopped just short of touching Lucifer. "I wonder... have you missed my touch? The thrill of our little game?"

Lucifer finally found his voice, hoarse and weak, but laced with defiance. "Get out." His words were quiet, but firm. He wasn't the broken shell Alastor had left behind. Not anymore.

Alastor's smile faltered ever so slightly, his eyes narrowing as he watched Lucifer's expression. "Oh, dear...Are you saying that I'm unwelcome..." His voice dropped, growing darker, He knew the answer but he still felt like teasing. "How sad Luci...And after everything we've been through..."

The room felt colder as Alastor's words settled in the air, thick with tension. Lucifer's eyes narrowed, summoning every bit of courage he had left. "I'm not your toy anymore, Alastor."

The smile on Alastor's face disappeared entirely for a moment, his eyes flashing with something darker—anger,, maybe disappointment? But it quickly returned, his face once again an unsettling mask of cheerfulness.

"Toy?" Alastor's voice was eerily calm. "Oh no, Lucifer. You were never a toy." He took another step closer, his grin widening once more. "You were always so much more..."

Lucifer could feel his muscles tensing, his wings slightly unfurling behind him as he prepared to defend himself if needed. The room felt smaller with each passing second, as though Alastor's very presence was warping the space around them.

But then, just as suddenly as he had appeared, Alastor stepped back into the shadows, his grin fading into the darkness once more.

"I'll leave you to rest, for now," Alastor said, his voice echoing from the shadows as if coming from everywhere at once. "But don't think for a moment that this is over. You and I, Lucifer... we're just getting started."

And with that, the room was empty once more, save for the lingering cold and the oppressive silence that followed in Alastor's wake. Lucifer remained still, his breathing ragged, his heart still racing.

He knew Alastor was right. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot.

End of chapter

Next chapter: Tomorrow 12am

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