Chapter 2: The Miller Family Rivals.

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"Alright, Ill tell them right away." Larry answered before lowering his flip phone. "I just got a call from your younger twin sister, and she said the Miller family is about five minutes away."

"The Millersss!!!" All my siblings groaned simultaneously.

Irina shot all of them a dirt look so nasty that it made even Taro shut up. "Kids! I don't want to hear none of that whining, especially with how much fun y'all have when you're cousins are over."

"I wont hold back on the small Miller child if she invades my personal space." I threatened emotionlessly.

"Not you too Mizuki!"

"For once in my life I agree with her!" Argued Berry. "I hate that Theodore kid!"

"Pssst." Taylor whispered, lowering herself underneath the table. "I wish you the best of luck little sis, I'm gonna try and sneak into the broom closet."

"Berry!" Irina yelled. "Don't say that about your cousin Theodore! That boy is a prodigy and you could really learn something from him.

Taro suddenly dropped to his knees in front of his mom, and began begging like a child. "Please don't do this to me! That Matthew guy always finds a way to ruin Subeto Enterprises prestigious reputation with his, blegh... 'Non for profits.'

"Your a grown man Taro, so get up and start acting like one! And besides, it really couldn't hurt to donate money to some panda conservationists every once and a while!" 


"Taylor! What do you think your doing away from the dinner table!"

Taylor, who had been trying to discretely open the closet door, shot her mother a guilty smile. "Eh, cant blame me for trying..."


The door suddenly blasted open, somehow stopping exactly before it hit the newly repaired wall.

"Precious family! We are so extremely sorry to be so late. You see we had to rescue a sickly puppy from the streets on our drive over from Dallas." Explained William, my extremely tall and muscular 'uncle.'

"Kids! Don't wait for the adults, go ahead and greet your favorite cousins." Ushered 'aunt' Margaret, who was so full of Botox that she looked sixty years older then Irina despite being the younger twin.

"What's going on Taro? How's the business gig going for ya?" asked Matthew, my selfless 'oldest cousin' who looked like a blonde haired copy of Taro.

"You'll never get me to switch to charity work! Never!!!!" Taro hissed, throwing his briefcase into the nearby bathroom before diving into the small room himself, kicking the door closed behind him.

Everyone stared at the bathroom door for a few seconds, before turning their attention back to their appropriate relative.

"Irina! My lovely sister, how's the family been? I bet your wishing you stayed in the states instead of moving to China!" Teased Margaret.

"We'll first of all, we all live happily in JA-PAN, which is NOT, owned by China." Irina corrected, a tinge of exasperation in her voice. "As for your first question, everyone's getting by... Taylor and Berry joined after school clubs, and Taro is... well... Taro."

"What about your youngest? Is she still as cold as last year?"

Irina turned red in anger, before taking a deep breath to calm down. "My PRECIOUS. LITTLE. Mizuki. Is just fine... now, that's enough about my kids, how's your family coming along?"

Margaret made a sinister face that practically told you she was about to start bragging. "Well, Theodore was elected as student council president at the university, he also became the lead violinist in the school orchestra. Then of course, there's my second youngest daughter Celeste, who is the lead dancer in her ballet studio. If you can believe it she was offered a part job as a tutor for her own age group. Finally, little Ana is the president of the voice club at her junior high!"

"Taking after her big sister I suppose?" Irina asked with a slight chuckle.

"Runs in the Miller family blood! Oh! I almost forgot about Matthew, he is just the kindest man you'll ever meet. He just recently managed to fund an entire cancer hospital with his team, isn't that just crazy?"

"Hehe...." Irina laughed nervously, obviously embarrassed about Taro's greediness. "That's just, well... great..."

"How's it going Celly." Taylor asked, her attention focused on editing the various video clips from the night into an embarrassing slideshow on her phone.

"Just fine... and its Celeste, please never call me 'Celly' again." She answered, a fake smile that covered her true inner rage posted across her face.

I sighed in relief as I failed to observe Ana anywhere in the room, figuring the terror child must have stayed home.

"Ooooh~ Mizuuuuuuki~" Greeted a voice behind me, causing my mouth to open ever-so-slightly in surprise.

A small, perfectly cared for hand grabbed my arm, as the little nightmare used her foot to push my chair away from the table.

"I think you need a makeover!" She said with a cheer, dragging me down the hallway towards our parents old room.

"Ah," I stated emotionlessly, watching as Taylor mouthed a 'Best of luck' to me before I was roughly yeeted into the small bedroom, the large wooden door slamming closed behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04 ⏰

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