Meeting The Parents

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Julian sat across the table from me, slouched in his chair. Derek sat next to me and his parents each sat on the ends of the table.

The sound of forks scraping against plates was the only noise in the room. Derek's dad would clear his throat once in a while and his mom would awkwardly cough. Mr. Banks finally decided to speak. " So, Willa - is it?" I nodded.

" Where do you plan on going to college?"

" Uh, Harvard."

His eyes widened slightly but he hid it by looking down at his plate. Mrs. Banks then also spoke.

" Where do you parents work, honey?" I could see the disgust in her face.

" Uh, my mother works full time as a nurse..."

" ... and your father...?"

I would never in my life consider Bill my father. He was my stepfather, I admit that. Telling Mr. and Mrs. Banks that Bill was my ' father ' would be like saying that Julian is my boyfriend - which he isn't.

" Uh, my father died when I was three." I muttered.

" Of?"

" War." I knew lying was wrong but I didn't really have a choice. They would think my father was not a good man if they knew he left my mother and I.

" We are sorry for your loss, Willa." He said with a sorrowful look and a pitiful smile on his face.

I bowed my head, thanking him and finishing my food.

When dinner ended Derek was still pissed and he didn't escort me to the door, As I stood up I grabbed my stuff and said goodbye to Mrs. and Mr. Banks. The only person that was left was Derek, but clearly he didn't bother saying goodbye because he was already upstairs.

Julian was still in the kitchen - he was helping the maid bring the dishes to the sink. I gathered up my stuff quickly before he could see me. I was too slow, though, and he saw me trying to head out the door. " You walking home by yourself at this time?" He asked.

I nodded. I saw him shift from the corner of my eye hesitantly. " I - I can give you a ride home."

I took a deep breath in. The reason why Derek isn't with me right now, offering to give me a ride home is because of Julian.

Accepting the offer that Julian is giving me would put me in deeper shit with Derek.

I opened my mouth to say ' no ' but he beat me to it.

" Great! Just give me 5 minutes to change."

I sighed in defeat and resettled myself on the couch in the living room. I heard Julian pad up the stairs and his door slamming shut.


I awkwardly sat in the passenger seat of Derek's car as Julian drove down the road to my house. He pulled up at the front and I thanked him. I could feel his eyes on me as I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my purse.

Before I could safely make it out of the car, though, he grabbed my wrist and spun me around, smashing his lips onto mine.

I was too shocked at first to react, but when he shoved his tongue into my mouth, I started kissing him back. Julian grinned against my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer. He gripped my waist and hoisted me onto his lap in a straddle position.

His tongue wrestled with mine for dominance - which he obviously won. I was starting to feel dazed. It was the best kiss I had ever experienced.

I may have been exaggerating, though. The only boy other than Julian I've ever kissed was Derek. But I never felt anything special with Derek.

I didn't feel sparks or fireworks with Julian like they described in the movies. ( A/N your welcome. I saved you from another cliché kiss with ' fireworks ' and ' sparks ' :p )

Instead, I felt secure. Everything seemed . . . right.

I suddenly realized that I had a boyfriend and tried to get off of Julian but my butt ended up hitting the horn and a loud ' beep ' rang through the empty streets. I glared at Julian. " A little help here?"

He snapped out of his daze and helped me back into the passenger seat. I was quick to grab my purse and get out of the car but Julian's actions once again stopped me. " About the kiss."

I cut him off. " I'm sorry, it should have never happened. I have a boyfriend and he is your best friend. I promise you I'm not the cheating type, we were just caught in the moment, right? Please don't mention any of this to Derek. We're just friends."

Disappointment flashed in his eyes but then it turned to anger. He narrowed his eyes at me. " Who the hell said we were friends? I was just trying to get into your pants. Don't flatter yourself, slut."

I could feel my heart breaking in two. Tears threatened to spill at any moment and I didn't want Julian to see. I quickly grabbed my purse and stepped out of the car. I was about to say ' thanks for the ride ' but Julian sped away immediately, almost running over my foot.

I sighed and walked up to my house as a single tear rolled down my cheek. What just happened in the last two hours?

Derek's POV

I watched from my window as Willa hopped into the passenger seat of my car. Julian drove off, leaving the driveway empty.

I sighed and jumped into bed. Julian was getting on my last nerve. I don't know how long I can last with Willa and how long I can keep Julian's secret at the same time. One wrong move from any of them and I might just explode.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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