He's Back...With a Certain Someone

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<Up top is Julian!!>



" I'm home!" I screamed once I went inside my house. Like I expected, none of my parents were home. My step-dad is probably out at the bar, getting drunk. And Mom is probably working over-time at the hospital, but someone has to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table if my lazy step-dad doesn't. I don't even know what my Mom saw in this guy when she agreed to marry him, it was obvious he just wanted a free place to stay at. He couldn't work for shit. He's been kicked out of his 3 previous apartments for not paying his bills.

I walked into the kitchen and a note was taped onto the fridge.

Dear Willa,

I'm working over-time at the hospital tonight. If Bill comes home drunk, lock your door and don't fall asleep until I'm home. There are leftovers from last night for dinner.

I ripped the note off the fridge and threw it in the waste-bin. I grabbed an apple and started making my way upstairs. Now I guess you see the reason why I take the money people give me...

My mom barely makes enough to buy half a grocery. I want to concentrate on school so I can get a scholarship to Harvard, I know that have an eye on me. That is why I can't get a job, it would just distract me from my school studies. I sometimes pay the bills for my mom when she can't. I have never once spent the money I get for doing homework on myself. I spend it on necessary stuff.

It wasn't always like this...

When my real Dad was still with us , Mom was a stay-at-home wife. My Dad enough money to support us without having my Mom work. But then he left, and he never said goodbye to me. It was all so sudden, I wake up one morning and find Mom crying in the kitchen, clutching a note to her chest.

She said that Daddy left and was coming back soon. Though he never came back.


I was able to get all the homework done in 2 hours. I had nothing else to do now, tomorrow the weekend started and I didn't have anything to do. I got my phone off the side table and decided to go on Facebook.

Derek Banks added a new photo.

I immediately went on his profile and saw the picture. He had flashing lights behind him and a girl sitting in his lap, kissing his cheek. The caption read: Out of Military School. Living Life💯✔️

I felt a pang of jealousy hit me. He was already at a party??

Though I couldn't help but feel happy too. It was true! He's back and staying for good! I did a happy dance around my room and threw myself face first onto my bed. I quickly liked the picture and added a comment: Great! Congrats!

I texted Lina immediately, sending her a screenshot of the picture.

Me:See!?! I told you he was coming back!
Lina: Oh no! Did u like it and comment on it!?!
Me: Yeah, why?
Lina: Ur gonna come off 2 desperate
Me: Prolly, but at least he'll see it and remember me
Lina: Whatever you say, ttly ily chica!
Me: lol bye Lina

I put my phone back on the side table and looked up at my ceiling, a slight smile on my lips.

He was finally here.

The sound of a door slamming shut sounded downstairs. I heard someone stumbling up the stairs and a couple of slurred curses. I instantly jumped off my bed and turned the lock on my door. My step-dad was home.

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