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     It was weeks later that Aragorn could finally talk with Elrond. He had insisted on me coming with him - and after some fighting whether it was appropriate or not - I agreed.
     "Elrond." Aragorn bowed his head as he approached him, the elf already opening the door to his private chambers. "Thank you for making time." Aragorn took his hand and shook it, while nodding in politement.
     "Aragorn, there is no need. We have known each other since you were a kid, do not bow. Please, come in." He said, smiling at Aragorn before giving me a curious glance as I followed my boyfriend inside.
     "You want to talk to me at such a late hour, you bring Legolas with you. What is this about, Aragorn?" The elf's voice wasn't harsh, but his look definitely was. I felt goosebumps running down my spine and escaped his gaze by looking away.
     Aragorn sat down on a small couch in front of Elrond's bed, and I sat down beside him, with some distance so only our arms would touch. "I-", he started, "There's something that has been on my mind since months, by now. Nearly since you formed the fellowship of the ring, even."
     Elrond's head tilted as he asked: "What do you mean? What has this to do with Legolas, the Prince of Mirkwood?" He sat down across from both of us, hands neatly folded on his thighs, as he looked at us with utter patience.
     "I want to be completely honest with you, that's why I'm here. I wanted to talk to you sooner than this, but with Frodo and Sam continuing the journey alone.. I couldn't risk their lives any further by travelling to you." Aragorn's eyes were painted with regret.
     "Elaborate, please."
     "You must know that I deeply adore Arwen, and I really appreciate your wish for her to marry such a man like me, a ranger.", Aragorn spoke slow, almost as if he didn't know how to approach the topic at all, "But these last few months, it was not her that has been on my mind."
     "You found someone else, is that what you're telling me?" Elrond's voice seemed weirdly calm and I wasn't able to figure out if he was angry, waiting for more information, or if he just couldn't care less.
     "Y-Yes. I have found someone.", he paused, "Said person is Legolas. And believe me when I tell you, how good we've talked this through. 100 times, at least.", he sighed and looked at me with a weak smile, "We've been in a relationship not even two weeks into the fellowship of the ring. It's-", he stopped, rephrasing it, "I'm in love with him."
     Elrond didn't answer, only nodding, without a single expression on his face.
     "I wish for your blessing to call off the engagement between Arwen and me. I still wish to have her as a friend if possible, but I have never felt such strong feelings towards anyone but Legolas." Aragorn's hand took mine, squeezing it with reassurance.
     He continued: "Legolas and I take our relationship serious, even if we might face future problems, we will face them together. I cannot marry Arwen."
     For the split of a second, silence filled the room. Then, Elrond spoke: "Legolas, what do you think about this?" He looked at me with curiousness in his eyes, his head cocked to the side.
     "I do have feelings for Aragorn, but I have not dared to think about marriage with him yet. Not without your full consent to. It would've felt like I was disrespecting you and Lady Arwen." I answered, a brief hint of a smile flickering on my lips to show my appreciation to him.
     Elrond nodded, saying: "That was what I expected from you, Legolas. You have always been respectful, and I wish to thank you for that.", he looked over at Aragorn, "Regarding your relationship together, I must advise you to speak to Arwen directly, because I wish for you two to tell her from your own."
     He got up from his seat, Aragorn nodded and followed him: "We will go to her timely."
     Bowing in front of Elrond, I muttered a "Hannon le (Thank you)" and walked after my boyfriend.
     Outside, Aragorn took my hand and gave it a reassuringly squeeze. "How are you feeling, Legolas?" His gaze lingered upon me softly, eyes sparkling with love.
     "I'm glad we could talk to him.", I stopped, "Now let's find Arwen, or I won't be able to sleep tonight." I've been feeling guilty since I first kissed Aragorn, since we first had sex, but ever since Aragorn started talking about his deep feelings for me, that he wants to marry me and basically ditch Arwen, I couldn't quite keep it in me anymore.
     We found her outside, sitting in the edge of a couch on the porch of her room. It seemed like a cat was sleeping in her lap, as she watched the sun set behind some trees in the distance.
     "Aragorn.", she turned her head with a big smile before looking at me, "Lord Legolas. Why do I have the honor?" Arwen seemed to intend to get up, but after Aragorn saw the black sleeping ball of fur on her legs, he shook his head softly so she stayed put.
     Gesturing us to sit down beside her, we followed her command. "Arwen, Legolas and I have been wanting to visit you for a while now. There is something we need to talk about, as it's been on my mind for months now." Aragorn's voice was filled with emotion, he looked at her in earnest.
     "Aragorn, what happened? Are you two alright?" She immediately reached out to search Aragorn's body for any major injuries, but Aragorn retreated after a moment to make her stop.
     "Yes, it's not about that.", he sighed deeply, "I've just talked to your father about this, but he told me we should tell you too, right now. So, that's why we're here. We need to talk about our engagement, Arwen."
     I stayed just as quiet as before, not daring to interrupt in any way possible. "I-" Aragorn broke off, and Arwen shifted closer and pulled him into a hug, looking at me with a soft smile as she did so. "It's okay. Speak your mind." She muttered, arms wrapped around my boyfriend.
     "There's a reason that I brought Legolas with me, you know.. He's been.. a very dear friend to me, these past few months." Aragorn started, then continuing after a sigh: "Well.. Not only a friend.. I've fallen in love with him, Arwen."
     Her eyes were filled with tears, though they did not run down her cheeks, she looked like she was desperately holding herself back not to do exactly that. "Aragorn, I'm happy for you two. There is no need for you to apologize, if you think you must. I've never felt something more than friendship for you too, I only wanted to make my father happy by marrying you." She said, stroking Aragorn's cheek.
     Noticing that he was starting to cry, I scooped closer too and hugged him from behind, seeing Arwen smile at me. "Legolas, I'm sure you know that already, but Aragorn is a precious person. Treat each other right, okay? Promise me."
     I nodded with a brief smile, muttering: "Promise." Aragorn followed me, sobbing into Arwen's shoulder. She hugged him harder, shh-ing him every now and then, until he had calmed down again enough to say: "Thank you. I'm sorry."
     "For what? Falling in love? Come on, I'm happy for you two. There is no need for any hard feelings. As long as you are happy, I am too. I never saw you for more than a friend, Aragorn. Please, don't feel guilty." Arwen seemed confused, her voice lingering soft in the cold air of the night.
     "Thank you, Arwen. I've always appreciated your honest friendship to me."


     It happened about three days later, back on the road. Gimli sent us an invitation to come to Erebor, and well.. of course we agreed. Some may think it was an inappropriate moment to do this, but I think - with all that curled up emotion - it worked pretty well.
     I was just lying on his chest, both our horses devouring the most green grass I've ever seen next to us. Aragorn's voice was soft, as he said my name: "Legolas?"
     Half asleep, I hmmed.
     "Would you marry me?"
     Within a heartbeat, all tiredness was forgotten, adrenaline rushing in my veins as I sat up and stared into his eyes. "What?"
     "Would you marry me, Legolas?" His eyes were glistening with the flames of the fire in front of us. Sparkling with love, as he took my hands into his.
     "Oh god, Aragorn. You're such a jerk. Of course, I will marry you." And I fell into his arms and kissed him. And after that, I finally found out what Delimira had given to Aragorn. A wooden ring, with flowers carved inside.

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