Chapter 15 The rift between inseparables

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Viktor had started to feel a deep-seated doubt in his heart. He couldn't shake the feeling that Isabella might still be in love with the boy from her past. That boy who had taken care of her when they were both children, the one she had held onto in her memories all these years. Viktor believed that perhaps she saw him as nothing more than a substitute for the boy who had once saved her. The thought gnawed at him, making him distant, cold, and withdrawn.

Even though Isabella had shared her most painful memories with Viktor, revealing the tragic story of her childhood and her desperate search for the boy who had been her only friend and protector, Viktor couldn't help but feel like a placeholder. He wondered if her love for him was genuine or just a way to repay him for saving her life. The doubt festered in his mind, poisoning his feelings for her.

Meanwhile, Isabella was falling deeper in love with Viktor. She saw in him everything she had ever wanted—strength, kindness, and a protective nature. He was the first person who had truly understood her pain and stood by her side despite her troubled past. In her eyes, Viktor was the embodiment of everything she had lost and everything she longed to find again.

Isabella's love for Viktor was expressed in the way she cared for him. She cooked his favorite meals, prepared breakfast for him with a smile, and did everything she could to make him happy. She wanted to show him that she was fully committed to their relationship, that she was ready to build a life with him. She changed her personality, softening her once guarded demeanor to become more open, affectionate, and warm—qualities that she believed would draw Viktor closer to her.

But to her dismay, Viktor only grew more distant. He began rejecting her gestures of love. The meals she prepared went uneaten, the thoughtful gestures were met with indifference, and the warmth she tried to offer was met with a cold shoulder. Viktor's behavior confused and hurt Isabella. She couldn't understand why he was pulling away when she was trying so hard to show him how much she cared.

Isabella's frustration and heartbreak grew each day. She had given everything to Viktor—her trust, her love, and her hope for a future together. She had changed herself entirely for him, believing that if she could only show him how much she loved him, he would reciprocate. But no matter what she did, Viktor seemed unreachable, locked away in his own thoughts and doubts.

One day, Isabella decided to make a special dinner for Viktor. She spent hours in the kitchen, preparing all his favorite dishes with the utmost care. She wanted to create a moment that would bring them closer, a moment where they could talk and maybe, just maybe, she could find out why Viktor had been so distant. She set the table beautifully, hoping that this meal would be the start of healing the rift between them.

But when Viktor came home, he didn't even look at the dinner she had prepared. He walked past the table without a word, grabbed his coat, and left the house without giving Isabella a single glance. The door slammed shut behind him, and the sound echoed in the empty dining room. Isabella stood there, staring at the door in disbelief. All the love, effort, and hope she had poured into that meal had been ignored, dismissed as if it didn't matter at all.

The rejection was too much for Isabella to bear. The pain she felt in that moment was like a dagger to her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that no matter what she did, Viktor would never see her for who she truly was. She had tried so hard to be the woman he wanted, but it was never enough. The love she had given him had been thrown back in her face, and now she was left with nothing but the remnants of a broken heart.

In a fit of rage and despair, Isabella began to destroy the room around her. She swept the plates off the table, sending them crashing to the floor. She threw the chairs aside, overturned the table, and smashed anything within reach. The carefully prepared dinner was now scattered across the floor, a testament to her shattered dreams. Her anger fueled her actions, but beneath it all was a deep sense of sorrow and betrayal.

When there was nothing left to break, Isabella stood in the middle of the wreckage, her chest heaving with emotion. She knew she couldn't stay here any longer. She couldn't keep giving her heart to someone who didn't want it, who couldn't see the depth of her love. She needed to leave, to find a place where she could heal from the wounds that Viktor had unknowingly inflicted on her.

Isabella took a deep breath and walked over to the desk. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and with shaking hands, she began to write a letter. In it, she poured out all the pain she had been carrying, all the love she had tried to give Viktor, and all the ways he had hurt her by pushing her away. She told him how much she had trusted him, how she had believed in their future together, and how deeply he had betrayed that trust.

She folded the letter and placed it on the table, the only piece of furniture left standing in the room. Without looking back, Isabella grabbed her coat and walked out the door. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she couldn't stay here any longer. The woman who had walked into this house with dreams of love and a future was gone, replaced by someone who had been broken by the very person she had trusted most.

When Viktor returned home later that evening, he was met with silence. The house was eerily quiet, and as he stepped into the dining room, he was greeted by the sight of the devastation Isabella had left behind. The table was overturned, the chairs were scattered, and the floor was littered with broken dishes and food. His heart sank as he took in the scene, realizing that something terrible had happened.

Viktor's eyes fell on the letter lying on the table. He walked over and picked it up, his hands trembling as he unfolded the paper. As he read Isabella's words, tears filled his eyes. She had trusted him, loved him, and he had pushed her away because of his own insecurities. The weight of what he had done crashed down on him, and he sank to the floor amidst the broken pieces of the dinner she had prepared for him.

For the first time in years, Viktor cried. He cried for the pain he had caused Isabella, for the love he had lost, and for the emptiness he felt inside. The woman who had brought light into his life, who had loved him despite his flaws, was gone, and it was all his fault. He had been so consumed by his own fears and doubts that he hadn't seen the love that was right in front of him.

As Viktor sat there in the darkness, surrounded by the remnants of Isabella's love, he realized that he had made a terrible mistake. He had let his insecurities destroy the one good thing in his life, and now it was too late to fix it. The woman he loved was gone, and all he had left was the memory of the love he had thrown away.

In the days that followed, Viktor tried to find Isabella, but she had disappeared without a trace. He searched everywhere, hoping to catch even a glimpse of her, but she was gone. The emptiness in his heart grew with each passing day, and he couldn't escape the guilt that haunted him. Viktor knew that he had lost something precious, something he might never find again.

The house, once filled with laughter and love, was now a place of sorrow and regret. Viktor spent his days in solitude, replaying the moments he had shared with Isabella over and over in his mind. He could still see her smile, hear her laughter, and feel the warmth of her love, but those memories only served to deepen the pain he felt.

Viktor's life became a shadow of what it once was. The man who had once been strong, confident, and unyielding was now broken, lost in a sea of regret. He knew that he had to live with the consequences of his actions, that he had driven away the only woman he had ever truly loved. And as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Viktor realized that he might never be able to mend the heart he had broken or find the love he had so carelessly thrown away.

The chapter ends with Viktor sitting alone in the wreckage of his life, the tears in his eyes a testament to the love he had lost and the pain that now consumed him

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