Chapter 16: The ominous call

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Harry was deeply engrossed in his work, immersed in the intricate details that demanded his full attention. He thrived on precision and control, traits that had propelled him to the top of his field. Yet, despite his usual composure, an undercurrent of unease tugged at him throughout the day. It was subtle at first—a feeling easily dismissed—but as the hours passed, the sensation grew more persistent, gnawing at his thoughts.

Earlier that morning, Harry had received a call from the police. This wasn't unusual, given his line of work; he often had dealings that piqued the interest of law enforcement. But the timing had been inconvenient, right in the middle of a critical negotiation. He had told the officer he would call back, intending to do so once he was free. However, as the day wore on, the promise slipped from his mind, lost among the myriad of pressing matters demanding his attention.

As evening approached, Harry received a video call from Arnold. Since Arnold had moved abroad, their interactions had largely transitioned to online communication. It was a practical solution, though Harry missed the in-person strategy sessions they once enjoyed. Today, Arnold seemed relaxed, his tone lighter than usual as they discussed business matters. Their conversation flowed easily, a mix of updates and light banter, until an unexpected noise erupted from Arnold's side of the call.

The sound was sharp, loud enough to startle Harry, who immediately tensed. Before he could react, the screen went black, and the call abruptly ended. A wave of panic surged through Harry. His first instinct was to redial, but his mind raced with worst-case scenarios. Was it an attack? An accident? The uncertainty gnawed at him, and every second without a response heightened his fear.

Just as Harry was about to try calling again, his phone buzzed with an incoming call. It was Arnold. Harry's hands were trembling as he answered, bracing himself for the worst. To his immense relief, Arnold's voice came through, calm and slightly amused.

"Just a firecracker," Arnold explained, chuckling. "Some kids messing around outside. Nothing serious."

Harry let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, forcing a laugh in response. But the unease hadn't entirely dissipated. Something still felt off, though he couldn't quite place what it was. They wrapped up the call, but Harry couldn't shake the lingering feeling of dread.

After the call ended, Harry sat back in his chair, lost in thought. His mind drifted back to the police call he had received earlier. What had they wanted? Why had they called him so early in the day? The more he thought about it, the more it bothered him. Something about the timing felt wrong, as if there was a connection he was missing.

Remembering his promise to call back, Harry quickly dialed the number. The officer on the other end sounded surprised to hear from him, but he quickly got to the point. Isabella, the woman they had been keeping an eye on, had recently arrived in the same city where Arnold was living. She had been asking questions, drawing attention to herself in ways that concerned the authorities.

Harry's blood ran cold as the officer relayed this information. Isabella had been tracking Arnold. The implications were clear: she was getting closer. Harry's mind raced as he tried to piece together what this could mean. Why was she after Arnold? What was her endgame?

Fear and panic began to settle in, clouding Harry's judgment. He had to act quickly, but he couldn't afford to alert anyone to the danger just yet—not even Arnold. The situation had become far more complicated than he had anticipated.

Determined to take control, Harry drafted a business email, announcing that he would be away for a few days. He made no mention of where he was going or why, simply stating that Arnold would handle everything in his absence. The vague message was enough to prevent any suspicion from spreading among his associates, but it did little to calm the storm brewing inside him.

Once the email was sent, Harry sat in the dim light of his office, contemplating his next move. He had to find a way to protect Arnold without revealing the full extent of the threat. There was no room for mistakes—not now, not when everything was hanging by a thread.

As the night wore on, Harry's thoughts kept circling back to Isabella. What was her true motive? Why was she so determined to find Arnold? The more he pondered these questions, the more the pieces of the puzzle seemed to elude him. But one thing was clear: Isabella was a threat, and he needed to deal with her before it was too late.

As dawn broke, Harry made his decision. He would leave immediately, tracking down Isabella before she could make her move. It was a risky plan, but there was no other choice. With his resolve steeled, Harry began to prepare, knowing that the days ahead would test him in ways he hadn't imagined.

But as he packed, a sense of foreboding lingered. There was more to this than met the eye, layers of secrets and lies that had yet to unravel. And in the shadows of these unknowns, Harry knew one thing for certain: the game had just become much more dangerous.

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