Gamble & Lover

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ah.. what a nice day, isnt it?

the sound of the birds chirping, the leaves rustling, the wind flowing through our faces.. and that was all ruined with Mrs.Doorman being mad at us for not finishing her paperwork for gambling. she has an obsession for gambling. she even hired a assassin so that people will not spread the rumor everywhere.

" YOU LITTLE BITCHES! FINISH THIS NOW! " Mrs.Doorman yelled as she slammed the papers at her table, all of us looked at the paper, and damn.. it was a lot... how are we going to finish that in one day?

" o-on my way, miss. " a co-worker of Mrs.Doorman said, going to her table and signing it.
" great. " Mrs.Doorman complimented them.

meanwhile in Sd-N's POV...

kick! slap! punch!

" whew.. these people are dead. " he said nonchalantly, grabbing a body bag and stuffing the dismembered limbs into the bag.
" Эти люди просто чушь, потому что поняли секрет миссис Дорман.. "
translation - these people are bullshit for realizing Mrs.Doorman's secret..
he ate one of the limb and swallowed it, going to his black van and stuffing the bag in the trunk, the trunk was filled with 2 people, so Mrs.Doorman and him will torture them.
he goes to the evidence spot and cleansing up blood stains, fingerprints, footprints, etc.
when that was done, he goes to the driver's seat of the van and gets in it. he then says to the two people.

" do not make any sound or I will kill you in the most painful way you little dumb shitasses. " he said in a scary tone, looking at the two people through the driver mirror.
Sd-N then drives, going to Mrs.Doorman's secret hideout.

few minutes later.

when Sd-N arrived at Mrs.Doorman's hideout, he goes to the trunk and grabs the two people and the bag full of limbs. he closes the trunk with his leg and goes inside the hideout..

the hideout of Mrs.Doorman was black, a bit of white, dark red, and bunch of dark colors.
he goes to Mrs.Doorman's office and knocked on it. speaking between the door.

" hello, Mrs.Doorman, its Agent Assassin. " he spoke. still grabbing the two persons, and the bag too, waiting patiently for her to speak up.

" come in, Agent Assassin. " she said, letting him come inside her office, she turns on her table lamp, waiting for him to go inside.
when Agent Assassin came inside. settling the two persons in the chairs. and giving the bag full of limbs, the bag is written with " for Mrs.Doorman. - Agent Assassin. "
then Mrs.Doorman spoke up.

" ahah.. thats nice of you, Agent Assassin. and these two are spreading rumors about me huh? " she said with a small chuckle, looking at them two, smiling negatively at them two. she then looks at Agent Assassin, smiling normally.

" in fact.. I think you might be the greatest assassin I've ever hired. thats excellent of you, Agent Assassin. " she complimented. putting her chin in her knuckles as she looked at Agent Assassin's positive expression.

" is that so? thanks, thats nice of you, Mrs.Doorman. " he replied to her compliment. smiling positively. in fact, they were both nice to eachother when they interacted. they were never ever mean to eachother, not ever.

" no problem, come on, lets torture these two? " she requested. looking at Agent Assassin. hoping that he will accept the recommendation since they were both hungry and haven't ate all day.

" why of course not? come on, Mrs.Doorman. " he replied " yes " to the recommendation. he grabs the two person's shirt and pulls them, opening the door for Mrs.Doorman.
" ladies first. " he smirked slightly. looking at Mrs.Doorman.

Mrs.Doorman cant help but feel a sense of surprisement as he pushed the door for her. but she wasnt complaining.
" well thank you, my dear sweet assassin. " she flirted back, going outside and waits for him.

Agent Assassin came out after her, closing the door, dropping the body first before pulling them again.
" come on. lets go, I wanna torture these girls. they spread your secrets, now theyre not gonna spread anymore rumors about you, Mrs.Doorman. " he said, looking at you, smiling slightly before looking away,

she cant help but... feel happy? no, no, no. why does she feel this way? they were just.. co-workers! not.. any more of that. no, she wont allow that.. right?..

she shook all of the butterflies in her stomach, looking at Agent Assassin awkwardly.

" uh.. agent assassin..? I have a weird question, and it may contain your personal life. can i ask that? " she asked curiously.

" oh? sure, what is it? " he replied, looking at you.

" are.. you dating someone by any chance..? " she asked. looking at you, stopping in her tracks as she faces to you, rubbing her neck awkwardly.

why was she asking that though..? does she want to date me or.. anything? she doesnt know that im dating someone, but i better be honest.

" uh.. yeah, sorry. " he answered. glancing at your disappointed expression, but Mrs.Doorman quickly cut her disappointed expression when she saw your glance at her face.

" oh, is that so..? well, okay. I was just curious. heh. " she said, looking down.

does she like me or something..? .

later, Mrs.Doorman is selling drugs, weed, cigarettes, and other bad stuff.

" thanks for buying. " she said to the buyer, stuffing the bags full of money in her black bag, putting on her disguise and going out the alleyway with her fake boyfriend, Asher, which was Agent Assassin.

" do i really have to help you with this stuff...? " he said, looking at her fake girlfriend, Kelsey, which was Mrs.Doorman im disguise so no one would tell on them.
" besides.. ill just handle it, dismember their limbs.. kill them, torture them, until they become our slaves? " he added. holding her hand so they look like a real couple.
" and, after that, we can have a feast on their limbs, right? " he added again.

" .. you're being a yapper now Agent Assassin. now shut the- "
" hey.. not bad, besides all the food here are expensive as hell, so that would be better so we can save money for stuff, like drugs, illegal stuff. very smart of you Agent Assassin. " she said, smiling at you. she was saving so that they can buy more illegal stuff.

" told ya. now lets get going, I wanna go home and sleep all day. " he said, pulling you outside the public market, going to their fans and taking off their disguises.
" and damn.. do we really have to wear a fucking jacket in the hot weather!? its so hot out there, Kelsey!- i-i mean Mrs.Doorman! " he said, turning in the car ac to cool them off due to the hot weather so they wont be recognized. because theyre the most wanted persons due to gambling, selling illegal stuff, killing people, etc.

" hell yeah.. but we need to be covered, Agent Assassin. "

" so no one will figure out my secret n. "


THANK YOUNFOR READING! I think im getting hand cramps ngl, anyways... gimme some suggestions lol :3

- Author.

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