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"Chen stop!" I said firmly , pushing his hand away from my waist . My voice was steady , but anger simmered beneath my skin."I'm serious. You need to stop."

Chen blinked , then let out a low , arrogant chuckle." Relax, babe. What's with attitude? You look so good tonight, you're practically begging for it. I'm just giving you a little attention." He moved closer, his fingers grazing my arm, but I pulled back, my face hardening.

"Attention?" I repeated, my voice rising."You call this attention?" You're treating me like some object you can just-" i stopped myself, trying to control my anger, but it was bubbling too close to the surface. "You don't respect me, Chen. You never have . And I'm done with it ." Chen raised an eyebrow, clearly not taking me seriously. "Oh, come on, Mackenzie.Don't be dramatic. You're making a big deal out of nothing . You need to learn how to take a joke. Or better yet , take some advice. Maybe then you'd finally act like a good little girl and do what I say."

The words sent a cold shiver down my spine , my anger flaring white-hot. I stepped back, shaking my head in disbelief . How did I ever put up with this? Chen still unfazed , leaned in, trying to press his lips against mine . But my reflexes kicked in, and I shoved him hard, fury burning through me."What the hell is wrong with you! Don't you get it? I don't want this! I don't want you treating me like I'm nothing. I'm not some toy you can control."

Chen's face darkened , his playful smirk disappearing. His eyes flashed with anger as he straightened up."You better watch your mouth , Mackenzie," he warned , his voice lowering dangerously . "You think anyone else is gonna put up with you? No one likes you.You're boring .I'm doing you a favor by sticking around . You think a dress and some makeup will change that? You're still the same ugly nerd underneath ."

My hand moved before I could stop it, slapping him across the face with sharp a crack. The sound cut through the music , earning a few startled glances from nearby partygoers. Chen's face whipped to the side , his cheek reddening from the impact. When he turned back to her, his eyes were full of rage. "I'm so tired of putting up with your crap ," I spat , my voice shaking with anger ."Tired of your disrespect, your cheating, your total total disregard for my feelings . I've tried to make this work , but I'm done . I deserve better than this . Better than you ."

Chen glared at me, his lips curling into a sneer."You can't be serious," he growled. "You think you're better than me now? After everything? You're gonna throw this away?"Yes," I said ,my voice firm and unyielding ."It's over." I turned to walk away, my heart pounding with adrenaline , but Chen's voice cut through the air, sharp and commanding."Stop! Don't you dare walk away from me. Mackenzie!"

I ignored him, taking another step , but suddenly felt a forceful grip on my arm. Chen was pulling me back, his fingers digging into my skin."I said stop! Only I get to decide when we're over not you , do you understand," he snarled, his voice full of possessive anger. But before he could drag me any further, another hand intervened.

"Didn't you hear her?" came a low ' commanding voice from behind."She said it's over." My head whipped around just in time to see Daniel standing there, his hand wrapped firmly around Chen's wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Daniel's eyes were cold, sharp, a mixture of disgust and restrained fury as he glared down at Chen. Chen tried to pull his arm free, but Daniel's grip tightened."Let her go."

For a moment ,Chen looked like he wanted to challenge Daniel, his face twisted in a scowl. But he wasn't that stupid, he knew who he was dealing with and picking a fight with Daniel was a losing battle. He released my arm, his sneer deepening as he stepped back."Of course ," Chen said, his voice dripping with venom. "Figures you'd come to the rescue. You two probably had this planned all along , huh? She's been a lousy girlfriend, and now she's moving on to you. Typical. Guess she really is an unfaithful slu-"

"Don't ." Daniel's voice was a quiet warning , but the threat behind it was clear. He stepped forward, towering over Chen , his presence commanding and unyielding ."You've done enough. Walk away." 

I stood there, stunned, my heart still racing. I hadn't expected Daniel to step in like that, and now the tension between him and Chen hung in the air , thick and palpable. All eyes were on them, but Chen , sensing he was outmatched, spat something under his breath turning on his heel and storming off into the crowd. 

As the music swelled around us once more, I felt myself breathe again, the weight of the confrontation lifting slightly. I turned to Daniel, my eyes wide with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief ." didn't have to do that ," I said softly , still processing everything that had happened .

Daniel's gaze softened for the first time as he looked at me."Yeah," he said quietly , "I did."And for the first time that night, I felt a strange sense of calm settle over me, standing there in the middle of the chaos , with Daniel by my side.

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