Chapter 25

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When morning came, all of us had breakfast together and Sirius wanted to stay until I came back. I pulled him aside to filled him in on what happened after he went to be with Harry. He apologized left and right, saying he was sorry for bringing that woman into my home. I told him it wasn't his fault, to ease his mind. I told him that he was set up to be a pawn for a way into us. Then I told him I would protect us with my life. I thought to myself at that moment, 'or have to take lives'. I hugged Sirius and told him that we were good. I said not to worry, because right now my plate was full enough.

By noon there was an owl that came with a message. I knew he would respond some way or other, because Lucius Malfoy is an arrogant ass who couldn't resist. Before touching it, I cast a magic detection spell. It had an incineration spell on it and I removed it, easily. It also had a 'single reader translation spell. It would be scrambled letters to anyone else who read it. Interesting. I had concentrated hard, but I broke it. It felt like a huge snap of a rubber band. It will be evidence for later use. I read:


My dear Lady Blackthorne-Gaunt,

     It would seem your methods are definitely very creative to push back at me. I loved the vial with the memory message. I found the vanishing spell after reading it quite entertaining.

     The condition of the Dark Lord's servant, Cassie Harrington, upon infiltrating your home was quite inventive. She screamed her head off beautifully to call attention to your calling card. She then continued after her punishment for failure to complete her task. She will not be useful for a while, I made sure her scarring is prevalent and permanent across her whole body, I included her face. She will remember you always when she looks in the mirror.

     It would seem that I may have underestimated you in trying to befriend you, then make you come for a talk with me and my death eater friends. You were determined to avoid me at all costs, are you not? That is what I find rude and unbearable. It seems now we have to communicate on some level and this is the way you chose. So be it!

     I know you said that you're more informed and stronger in magic than most, so you say. I was at the trial that I remember you possess a triple core wand. I must say, I never heard of such a thing until then. I did check the facts on whether or not a wand exists, where it came from and if it can be duplicated. It would seem as though, through a bit of force, I found out that Ollivander's family only made one wand of it's kind long ago. The information to recreate it, is ancient and no longer exists. He also said you blew up many of his wands from overload. Yes, that caused food for thought. How convenient for you.

      I do not believe I have not ever had the pleasure to meet someone with an eidetic memory before. How nice for you to have such a useful ability.

      You have laid down your stipulations. I will lay down mine. I will leave you family, as you call them, and afterwards yourself alone. Only on one condition, you will come to a meeting of my choosing and we will talk, and I hope to be your friend. After all, it was all I wanted in the first place, well other than your assets, should I say. You must come alone, after what you told me in your vial missive, your safety should not be a problem, as you say. That is, if you're telling me the truth and you possess the power and knowledge you say you have?

     You know I would need proof first to believe the things you said you are capable of doing. But, I would like it to be a peaceful meeting. I will not allow any violence against you by my associates when you come to the meeting. Say 8pm next Friday? It shouldn't take long and then you can be back on your way to your happy life. Please respond back, I will be waiting for your confirmation.

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