Chapter 37

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By the time 1985's New Year's rolled around, these were my years resolutions I was listing them out on paper one day:

I want that Slytherin locket from Kreature and find out if I need Sirius involved.

I also looked into finding a blood binding spell for my great grandfather's compass.

I also wanted to see if there was a way to remove a horcrux from a living being.

I seriously want to hunt down Lucius Malfoy.

I want to have a baby this year.

I wanted to make sure nobody gets paid off for lesser sentences during the death eater trails.

I want my yearly Werewolfism potion marketed and Remus on the cure.

I want Gen caught up to her 4th year school level after this summer. I want to send her to Hogwarts for fourth year. She would be technically, turning 16 this April and be normally going into her fifth year. She will only be one level behind then. I hope to have he fully adopted by then too.

In the second week of January, I was in the lab contemplating this dilemma, while working on the Werewolfism compound base separating the chemical compounds and purifying them. I guess it is called multitasking. As I was working, I found the suspected parts causing the scar fading side effects. I just needed to isolate and combine the structure into a formula. I started writing it down and analyzing it mathematically on paper for a viable solution. Damn, I needed a break. I've been down here for hours.

I walk up into the house and find Severus working on spells with Gen in the ballroom. It must be for space, I suppose. Harry is in his room reading his books. Busy little beavers they all are. I go in the kitchen and call Dilly. She pops in.

"Dilly, did everyone eat lunch yet?", I ask.

"No my Lady, not yet. Would you like Dilly to make lunch?" She smiles. She hasn't taken off that necklace since I gave it to her. Actually none of them have. It's kinda sweet. They all seem to wear it all like a badge of pride. They have been keeping their clothes cleaner after I threw about a half dozen pillowcases out and notified them I did it. Hopefully Dilly won't have anymore boogers blown on her clothes again. It kinda freaks me out.

"Yes please. I have been stuck down in the lab so long I needed to take a break. Let me know whenever it's ready dear." I pat her on the head.

After everyone ate lunch, I went back to work in the lab on my formula. At the end of the day I had a salve invented to gradually lighten the scarring effect of a werewolf attack. I showed Severus before I went to bed. He said we would brew it up and test it on a few victims with just scarring and also withy test subjects. Perhaps, then we can turn it over to marketing.


Later that night I started talking to Severus. I said, "Honey, I was thinking about trying to find that Slytherin locket. I think am going to have to tell Sirius all about me, in order to get him to call Kreature. I need to find out from Kreature, the Black's house elf, if he is in possession of the locket. What do you think?" He looked contemplative as we were silent for a while thinking.

He finally said,"I think, if Kreature can be called and manipulated to tell you where it is, you won't have to go to other extremes. You may need to tell Black or he will never understand your motivations."

"I need that blood binding spell to bind the compass for Malfoy, also. I could get access again from that letter he wrote as evidence at the Ministry." I told him.

"I have the blood binding spell in one of my books in my library at the house on Spinner's End, I believe. I can go tomorrow to retrieve it." He said.

"Severus, you should move your books here and we can put in more shelves just for your books in the library, so we have them all together. You could bring anything of yours here from there. This is your home now." I kissed him as we got into bed. He wrapped his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest.

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