Some haunting memories, First Rasoi

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Sanskriti was playing with Anvi when she felt someone call her name. She turned towards the door, but no one was there. Breathing a sigh of relief, she continued playing with Anvi.

After a while, Sanskriti bathed Anvi, wrapped her in a towel, and carried her out. Her gaze fell upon Advait, sitting on the bed, engrossed in a phone call. Sanskriti glanced at him briefly and began dressing Anvi.

As Sanskriti put clothes on Anvi, the little one made faces at Advait, who was still on the call. Noticing Anvi's antics, Advait smiled and wrapped up his conversation.

"Good morning, Navi," Advait said, putting down his phone. "You woke up early today and even bathed." Anvi clapped happily, and Advait and Sanskriti exchanged smiles.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. Sanskriti opened it to find Ishika, who greeted her warmly.

"Good morning, Bhabhi," Ishika said. "Anvi's up, so I'll take her for her milk. Maa has warmed it up." Sanskriti stepped aside, allowing Ishika to enter.

Ishika spotted Advait and greeted him, "Good morning, Bhaiya." Advait replied, "Good morning, Ishika. Where's Aksh?" Ishika replied, "He's with Mahir downstairs. Maa warmed up Anvi's milk, so I'll take her."

Advait nodded, and Ishika picked up Anvi, kissing her cheeks.

Ishika's kiss made Anvi smile, and she kissed Ishika's cheeks in return, making her smile. Ishika then told Sanskriti, "Bhabhi, I'll call you downstairs in a bit. You have your first rasoi ceremony today, so rest for now." Sanskriti nodded hesitantly.

After Ishika left with Anvi, Sanskriti shut the door, took a deep breath, and sat on the couch. The situation felt awkward for both Advait and Sanskriti.

Breaking the silence, Advait cleared his throat and said, "If you need anything, please let me know. Make yourself comfortable here, and thanks for taking care of Navi." Sanskriti glanced up, her eyes locking with his, and replied softly, "Anvi is my family so there is no need of thanks. After all this relation is only because of her."

Advait looked away, his expression fleeting. "Sorry if I offended you. If you face any issues, inform me." Sanskriti nodded.

Just then, Advait's phone rang. He answered, "Hello?" Sudha Ji spoke from the other end, "Namaste, Damad Ji. How are you?" Advait replied calmly, "I'm fine, Maa. And you?" Sudha Ji hesitated.

Advait reassured her, "It's okay, Maa. If something's bothering you, share it." Sudha Ji explained, "Beti Sanskriti's phone hasn't reached me since yesterday. I called, but it's switched off. Can you put me through to her?"

Advait handed Sanskriti the phone, saying, "Maa's calling." He then headed to the washroom, leaving Sanskriti to answer.

Sanskriti spoke into the phone, "Good morning, Maa." Sudha Ji scolded, "Good morning? You didn't call me since yesterday, and your phone was switched off. I was worried sick." Sudha Ji's voice cracked.

Sanskriti's past flooded back. She recalled her wedding night with Nikhil. She had trusted him, thinking he was different from her father and brother. But Nikhil's drunken state and violent behavior shattered her dreams. He brutally raped her on her wedding night while she was thinking before that nikhil will ask her permission and give her time but he didn't even think about her once and just satisfied himself. The memories still haunted her.

Sudha Ji's concerned voice brought Sanskriti back to the present. "Laado (dear), where did you go? Is everything okay? Did Damad Ji and the others treat you well?"

Sanskriti composed herself, wiping away tears. "Yes, Maa, everyone's kind here. No one's like...them. Advait Ji is trying to make me comfortable. Don't worry."

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