Shadows of uncertainty

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Everyone watched Advait leave, then turned to Sanskriti, whose eyes were welling up with tears. They took a deep breath and composed themselves.

On the other side, Advait stepped out of the house, got into his car, and took deep breaths to calm himself. After a while, he started the car and headed to the office.

Sunanda Ji noticed Sanskriti's tears and said, "Don't mind his behavior, beta. He needs time to understand." Sanskriti nodded, reassuring her, "I understand, Maa. I know he needs time."

The family sat down for breakfast.

After breakfast, Sanskriti took Anvi upstairs and asked, "What do you want to do now, my little Anvi?" Anvi smiled.

Just then Ishika arrived with Aksh and offered to help Sanskriti unpack. Sanskriti declined, but Ishika insisted, "I've finished my chores, and Mahir had gone to his office and Maa-Papa are busy. I thought I'd help you."

Sanskriti relented, and they began unpacking.

As they worked, Anvi and Aksh played together. Sanskriti suddenly hesitated, "Ishika, I didn't ask Advait if I can put my things in the cupboard." Ishika replied, "Don't worry, Bhabhi. He won't mind. We can arrange everything later."

Ishika reassured Sanskriti, "Bhabhi, bhaiya won't mind. What's his is yours now, so he won't object." Sanskriti still looked uncertain, so Ishika offered, "If you're still unsure, I'll call him."

Ishika dialled Advait's number. He answered, and Ishika explained, "Bhaiya, bhabhi is hesitant to put her belongings in the cupboard without your permission."

Advait replied, "Tell her she can put her things there; it's her right. If there's any issue, let me know."

Ishika relayed Advait's response to Sanskriti, who nodded, relieved. Together, they organized Sanskriti's belongings.

As they worked, Sanskriti thought to herself, "What are you, Advait ji? You're unpredictable. Sometimes you're lost in your past, yet you show concern for me. When you covered me with the blanket, I felt your presence. This morning, you made an effort to make me comfortable, and you treated Maa with respect. Don't do this, Advait; it gives me false hope, hope that can never be fulfilled."

Ishika interrupted Sanskriti's thoughts, "Bhabhi, should I put your sarees here?" Sanskriti nodded.

Meanwhile, Advait drove to work, thinking, "Sanskriti, I'll give you everything you need, except my love." He sighed deeply and continued driving.

Back at Rawat House, Sanskriti and Ishika finished unpacking and sat on the bed, exhausted. Ishika said, "Now that's done, I want water. Water really quenches my thirst in this heat."

Sanskriti agreed, "Yes, water is more satisfying than food. First have some cold water then we will prepare for our lunch."

Ishika stood up, picking up Aksh, while Sanskriti lifted Anvi. They headed downstairs to drink water and prepare lunch.

In the kitchen, Sunanda Ji said, "Beta, you shouldn't have come down. You must be tired after the wedding. Ishika and I can handle this."

Sanskriti insisted, "Please, Maa, let me help. I'm not that tired."

Sunanda Ji didn't press the issue further, and Sanskriti joined the others in cooking. Ishika kept everyone engaged in conversation, making the time pass quickly.

After preparing lunch, they all sat down at the dining table and enjoyed their meal together.

Once they finished eating, Sanskriti began to clear the table, but Ishika stopped her, saying, "Bhabhi, please don't wash the dishes yet. Wait until your mehendi (heena) fades. You insisted on cooking, but please let me handle the dishes."

Sanskriti understood and compromised, "I'll wipe the dishes and put them on the stand. Please don't argue."

Ishika relented and began washing the dishes. Afterward, Sanskriti dried and put them away.

Meanwhile, Ishika cleaned the gas stove and counter. Once done, she washed her hands and prepared milk for Aksh and Anvi.

Sunanda Ji suggested, "You two should rest for a while. I'll do the same."

Ishika nodded, picked up Aksh, and headed to her room. Sanskriti followed with Anvi.

In their room, Sanskriti closed the door, sat on the bed, and gently laid Anvi down. She stroked Anvi's cheeks and smiled, "Is my little Anvi hungry?"

Anvi yawned and nodded. Sanskriti checked the milk temperature and fed Anvi.

As Anvi quickly drank her milk, Sanskriti gently stroked her hair, saying, "Looks like my Anvi was very hungry."

Anvi continued feeding, comforted by Sanskriti's soothing touch.

After a while, Anvi finishes her milk and falls asleep. Sanskriti gently lays her in the center of the bed and lies beside her, embracing Anvi. Soon, Sanskriti drifts off to sleep, exhausted.

In the evening, Advait returns home from the office and finds Sunanda Ji and Adarsh Ji sitting alone in the hall. He asks, "Maa, where's Anvi?"

Sunanda Ji smiles, "She's with her mother."

Advait takes a deep breath, nods, and heads upstairs.

Adarsh Ji watches him leave and says, "I wonder if he has accepted Sanskriti at all."

Sunanda Ji sighs, "Give him time, he will."

Adarsh Ji responds, "We're willing to give him time, but seeing how he's treating Sanskriti, it must hurt her. He doesn't understand; he just does as he pleases. If he can't accept her, at least treat her kindly."

Sunanda Ji falls silent, lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Advait enters his room, finding it dark. He turns on the lights and is startled. Anvi, who had woken up earlier, was rolling on the bed, about to fall off. Advait rushes to catch her, relieved.

"Anvi, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" he asks anxiously.

Anvi happily hugs Advait's neck, and he showers her face with kisses. Embracing her tightly, Advait's rapid heartbeat slows.

Anvi giggles at Advait's kisses, easing his tension.

Separating from Anvi, Advait says, "You scared Papa, Anvi. You're quite naughty, aren't you?"

Anvi giggled in response then Advait cooed her and carries her downstairs, his expression stern. He hands Anvi to Sunanda Ji, saying, "Maa, please take care of her. I need a moment."

Advait heads to his room, his face tense. Inside, he shuts the door and wakes Sanskriti, his voice firm but laced with anger.

"Sanskriti, wake up!"

Sanskriti rises, startled, and sees Advait's furious expression. "What happened?" she asks, alarmed.

Advait's jaw clenches. "What happened? If I hadn't arrived on time, Anvi would have fallen off the bed! You promised to take care of her, but you were so deep in sleep, you didn't even notice she was near the edge."

Sanskriti's eyes well up with tears. "Where's Anvi? Is she hurt?" she asks softly.

Advait's anger surges. "You're concerned now? If you really concerned about her then this won't had happened. You only care about your sleep, don't you?"

"Please leave this room for now. I need to be alone," Advait demands.

Sanskriti exits, tears in her eyes.

After she leaves, Advait slams the door, still fuming. "If Anvi had gotten hurt today, I wouldn't have forgiven myself. I made the decision to marry Sanskriti; now I must live with it."

Advait's thoughts swirl with guilt, anger, and concern for Anvi's safety.

Meanwhile, Sanskriti stands outside, tears streaming down her face, feeling overwhelmed and rejected.
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