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After the news of Hinata's awakening broke, the group couldn't contain their excitement. Tenten, who had been the first to share the update, was still buzzing with energy, her fingers rapidly texting Neji to check on the situation at the hospital.

"Did you arrive yet?" she typed, unable to wait for his reply. Everyone else was still in the restaurant, wiping away tears of joy, exchanging hopeful glances, and discussing what they'd do when they got to see her.

Neji's response buzzed back quickly: *"Yes, I'm here. She's awake, and she's okay, but... there's something I need to explain."*

Tenten frowned as she read the message, the excitement in her chest dimming slightly. She didn't understand the hesitation in his words, so she shot back another question: *"Can I come see her? Can we all come?"*

She expected Neji to say yes-it seemed like the natural next step, for all of Hinata's friends to rush to her side. But the reply wasn't what she had anticipated.

*"Not everyone can come right now. It's... complicated. Only you and Sakura. It'll be easier that way."*

Tenten blinked at her phone, her fingers tightening around it. That wasn't what she had expected at all. She turned to the rest of the group, hesitating before saying aloud, "Neji says we can't all go... Only Sakura and I."

"Why?" Ino asked, looking concerned.

"He didn't say," Tenten replied, furrowing her brow. "Just said it would be too overwhelming for Hinata."

Sakura, who had been sitting quietly, nodded. "I understand. Let's go. She's been through so much... if Neji thinks it's best, then we'll respect that."

Tenten and Sakura grabbed their things, exchanging a brief look of shared concern. While the others stayed back at the restaurant, the two girls made their way to the hospital, the atmosphere more subdued than before. Their excitement was now laced with uncertainty.

Upon arriving at the hospital, the sterile smell and low hum of machines greeted them. As they made their way to Hinata's room, they were met by Neji, standing just outside the door. His usual calm demeanor was present, but there was a weight in his eyes-something unspoken but clearly heavy on his mind.

"Neji," Tenten said, her voice softer now, "what's going on?"

He let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he prepared to explain. "Hinata's awake, and physically... she's stable. But she's lost most of her memories. She doesn't remember anything from the last several years, and she only recognizes her immediate family-Hiashi and Hanabi."

Tenten's eyes widened, the weight of his words sinking in. "She doesn't remember any of us?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Neji shook his head. "No. As far as she's concerned, we're strangers. Right now, it's best if she doesn't get overwhelmed. That's why only you and Sakura should come in for now. You're both her closest friends, and I think if anyone can help her feel comfortable, it's you two."

Sakura crossed her arms, deep in thought. "I've read about cases like this. Forcing too much information at once could be detrimental to her mental state. It makes sense that we need to approach her gently."

Neji nodded, relieved that they understood. "Hiashi and Hanabi are with her now, explaining some things. We'll wait until they're finished, and then you two can go in. But take it slow. She might not remember you, but I believe that deep down, something familiar will resonate with her."

Tenten bit her lip, her heart aching at the thought of Hinata being so confused and disoriented, unable to recall the people who cared about her. "Okay," she said softly, "we'll be careful."

After what felt like an eternity, the door to Hinata's room finally opened, and Hiashi stepped out with Hanabi at his side. Hiashi's face was expressionless, but Hanabi's eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"She's resting now," Hiashi said, his voice cool and controlled. "You can go in, but be mindful. Don't overwhelm her."

Tenten nodded, casting a glance at Hanabi, who was clearly trying to keep it together. Neji put a hand on Hanabi's shoulder, offering her silent comfort.

With a deep breath, Sakura and Tenten entered the room, the air in the hospital room feeling thick with uncertainty. Hinata was sitting up in bed, looking fragile but awake, her eyes clouded with confusion. She stared out the window, her pale lavender eyes seemingly lost in thought.

The moment they walked in, Hinata's gaze shifted toward them. There was no flicker of recognition, no warm smile that usually greeted them when they saw her. Just a polite, distant stare.

Sakura stepped forward first, her tone gentle and steady. "Hi, Hinata," she said softly, trying to keep her voice even. "I'm Sakura... and this is Tenten. We're your friends."

Hinata's brow furrowed slightly, her eyes scanning their faces as though searching for something-anything-that felt familiar. But after a few moments, she shook her head slightly, her expression apologetic. "I'm... sorry," she said, her voice quiet, "I don't remember either of you."

Tenten's heart clenched at the words, but she forced a smile. "It's okay, Hinata. We're not here to rush you. We just wanted to see you, make sure you're alright."

There was a long pause as Hinata stared at the two of them, her confusion evident. "Neji said... you're important to me," she said hesitantly, her gaze flickering between them. "I... don't know why, but I feel like that's true. I just can't... remember how."

Sakura exchanged a quick glance with Tenten, both of them feeling the weight of her words. "That's okay," Sakura reassured her, sitting down in the chair beside the bed. "You don't need to remember everything right now. Just know that we're here for you, and we'll help you however we can."

Tenten stood beside Sakura, her voice soft but filled with warmth. "We've been through a lot together, Hinata. We've shared a lot of good memories. Even if you can't remember them right now, we're here for you-just like we always have been."

Hinata's eyes welled up slightly, though she quickly wiped away the tears that threatened to spill. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I... I hope I can remember soon. It's... scary, not knowing who I am or who anyone is."

Tenten reached out, gently squeezing Hinata's hand. "You don't have to face it alone," she said softly. "We'll be with you every step of the way."

For a moment, the three girls sat in silence, the unspoken bond between them lingering in the air. Hinata may not have remembered them, but the love and care they had for her was palpable. And maybe, just maybe, that would be enough to guide her through the difficult journey ahead.

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