Part XIX

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After spending weeks in the hospital recovering from her injuries and the memory loss that had turned her world upside down, Hinata was finally brought home. The hospital had become a blur of sterile walls, medical jargon, and confusion, and now, the quiet of home seemed like a welcome change. Everything about the house felt oddly familiar, yet foreign-like a distant dream she couldn't quite grasp. As they pulled up to the large Hyuga estate, Hinata looked out of the car window, her heart both anxious and curious. She didn't know what to expect.

Hiashi, her father, and Hanabi, her younger sister, led her inside. Hinata took tentative steps, feeling the weight of their presence beside her. Everything in the house was grand and elegant, just as she had imagined a family of their status would live, but it felt empty to her. She wished she could feel some kind of attachment to the place, something that would stir up even the faintest flicker of memory, but nothing came. It was as though her past life had been erased, leaving her with a blank slate she didn't know how to fill.

Hanabi, who had been silent for most of the journey home, seemed to force a smile, though her eyes betrayed the sadness that lingered there. She gently took Hinata's hand and led her upstairs to her room. As they reached the door, Hanabi hesitated for a moment, glancing at Hinata as though hoping this would trigger some kind of memory. When nothing happened, she sighed softly and opened the door.

"This is... your room," Hanabi said, her voice trying to sound cheerful but faltering slightly.

Hinata stepped inside, taking in her surroundings. The room was spacious, with soft lavender tones, large windows that let in natural light, and shelves filled with neatly arranged books, trinkets, and photographs. She noticed a desk by the window, adorned with papers and notebooks, as though she had been studying diligently before the accident. A collection of plush toys rested on the bed, and there were framed photos of her with Hanabi, Neji, and their father on the walls.

She walked around slowly, tracing her fingers over the furniture, the books, trying to feel some sort of connection to it all. But it was like looking at someone else's life-a stranger's, not hers.

Before Hinata could dwell too long on the strange emptiness inside her, Hiashi's voice broke through her thoughts. "Hanabi, leave us for a little while," he said, his tone firm but calm. Hanabi looked at her father, then back at Hinata, before nodding reluctantly.

"I'll be back soon, okay?" Hanabi said to her sister, offering a small, reassuring smile before closing the door behind her.

With Hanabi gone, the room felt quieter, more intimate, and Hiashi's presence seemed to grow. He approached Hinata, his expression softening as he gestured for her to sit down on the bed. She complied, sitting down with her hands resting in her lap, unsure of what was coming.

Hiashi sat down next to her, adopting an unusually gentle tone that almost caught her off guard. "I know this has been difficult for you, Hinata. You've been through so much, and I can only imagine how overwhelming it must feel to not remember anything." His voice was soothing, as if he was trying to play the role of the doting father-a role she wasn't sure if he had always played.

Hinata nodded, biting her lip softly. "It's... hard. I feel like I'm lost."

He gave a small nod of understanding and continued, "But I'm here for you, Hinata. We all are. Your sister, your cousin Neji... we've missed you so much." His eyes briefly flickered with something more calculating, but Hinata didn't notice. "I just want to help you settle back into your life. I know it might take some time for your memories to come back, but we'll take it one step at a time."

Hinata offered him a small, tentative smile. "Thank you, Father."

Hiashi's voice remained soft, but there was an underlying firmness as he continued, "Before the accident, you were doing so well. You were in your senior year of high school, working hard toward your future." He gestured toward the desk by the window. "You've always been diligent, and I'm sure it won't take you long to catch up with everything. In fact, I've arranged for you to be homeschooled for now, just until you're ready to return to school. That way, you won't miss out on anything important."

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