|| Chapter 6: Reyaansh's Decision ||

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The ornate palace walls of the Rajvansh estate had never felt so stifling to Reyaansh Singh Rajvansh. His life had been one of control, precision, and absolute power—both in his business empire and his role as Rajasthan's royal prince. Yet, for the first time in years, he found himself shaken, unsettled by the constant hum of thoughts that circled around a single name: Meera Sharma.

The name echoed in his mind like a quiet whisper, one that he couldn't shut out no matter how hard he tried. He could still see her face—those wide, innocent eyes, her soft voice, and the unspoken sadness that lingered in her presence. She was a simple village girl, someone completely outside his world of luxury and authority, but she had ensnared his heart in a way that nothing or no one else ever had.

Sitting in his private study, surrounded by wealth and symbols of his success, Reyaansh found himself at odds with his own emotions. For days now, he had been plagued by the need to understand more about her, to know what kind of life she led in that small village. But it wasn't just curiosity—it was something far more profound. It was an urge to protect her, to shield her from whatever darkness loomed over her.

He had seen the tension in her body, the fear behind her delicate smile, the way she seemed to shrink in the presence of her family. Her parents, in particular, had sent alarm bells ringing in his mind. He had only seen them briefly from afar, but their harsh demeanor toward her hadn't gone unnoticed. He had watched as they ordered her around, treating her as if she were nothing more than a pawn in their game. It was clear to him that Meera was suffering, though she tried to hide it behind a mask of obedience.

Reyaansh was not a man who liked to leave things to chance. He couldn't sit back and wonder about Meera's fate; he needed to know the truth. And that was how he found himself making the decision that would change everything.

The Call

Reyaansh picked up his phone and dialed a number he rarely used. The line connected almost immediately.

"Dev," he said, his voice calm yet firm. "I need you to look into someone for me."

Dev Mehta, a private investigator who had worked with Reyaansh in the past, was efficient, discreet, and thorough. His services had been indispensable in matters of business espionage and personal affairs that required a delicate touch.

"Of course, Your Highness. Who is it this time?" Dev asked, his tone professional.

"Her name is Meera Sharma," Reyaansh began, his mind focused entirely on the task at hand. "She lives in a village near the northern hills, not far from the temple I visited last week. I want to know everything—about her, her family, her background, and most importantly, her situation at home."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line. Dev was used to Reyaansh's cryptic requests, but this time something in the prince's voice seemed different. There was an urgency, a personal edge that hadn't been there before.

"I'll get started on it right away," Dev said, sensing the importance of the matter. "Anything specific you're looking for?"

Reyaansh's grip tightened around the phone. "I have reason to believe her parents are... abusive. I want to know if there's any evidence of that. And if they're trying to force her into a marriage against her will."

Dev's voice took on a more serious tone. "Understood, Your Highness. I'll keep this confidential and report back as soon as I have something."

"Good," Reyaansh replied, his tone clipped. "And Dev—make it quick. I don't want her to suffer any longer than necessary."

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