|| Chapter 4: The Attraction Deepens ||

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The village of Jhansi (I know Jhansi is not in Rajasthan, but a bit fictional information won't hurt right ?) slowly began to feel like a second home to Reyaansh Singh Rajvansh, a realization that both unsettled and intrigued him. Days had passed since his first encounter with the young woman at the temple—Meera Sharma, as he had learned through quiet inquiries. Her name echoed in his mind, soft and unassuming, much like her demeanor. Reyaansh found himself returning to the village more often than was necessary, using the royal charity and temple visits as an excuse. But the truth was simpler, more primal.

He wanted to see her.

This obsession was new to Reyaansh. Women had always been a part of his life, though they had never occupied his thoughts for long. He had been with beautiful women, accomplished women, women who would fall over themselves to win his favor. And yet, none of them had captured his attention the way this village girl did. Meera's quiet grace, her simplicity, her very innocence seemed to pull him toward her like a force of nature.

Each day, he would find some reason to return to the temple, though his visits were now more about her than the charity work his family prided themselves on. From a distance, he observed her as she went about her daily duties—tending to the temple flowers, helping the elderly, offering prayers. Her life was routine, uncomplicated, far removed from the chaos and complexities of his own.

And that, perhaps, was what intrigued him the most.

A Growing Fascination

Reyaansh stood at the temple's edge, his tall frame blending into the shadows as he watched Meera from afar. She moved with the same quiet elegance that had first caught his attention, her head slightly bowed, her focus entirely on her task of arranging the marigolds around the temple's altar. The villagers moved around her, oblivious to the presence of the prince who, despite his position, remained unseen in the background.

Why does she fascinate me so much? The question nagged at Reyaansh, but he found no answer. He had never been the type to linger on people, much less someone so far removed from his world. And yet, here he was, returning day after day, just for the chance to catch a glimpse of her.

She never noticed him. How could she? To her, he was just another figure in the background, one of the many people who visited the temple. She was oblivious to his gaze, to the way his eyes followed her every movement, to the desire that stirred within him every time he saw her.

Reyaansh's Point of View: A Hunger Awakens

This is madness, Reyaansh thought, running a hand through his thick hair as he leaned against the stone wall of the temple. He felt like a predator stalking his prey, watching her from a distance, waiting for the right moment to strike. But what did he want from her? What could this simple village girl possibly offer him that he hadn't already experienced in life?

There was something about her—something untouched, untainted by the world he lived in. Reyaansh had grown up in a world of power, wealth, and manipulation. He had seen the worst of people, had been surrounded by those who sought his favor for their own gain. But Meera... she was different. She didn't know him, didn't want anything from him. She simply existed in her small world, content in her routine, untouched by the desires and ambitions that plagued his life.

And that was what he craved. The simplicity, the purity. He craved her innocence, her unawareness of the darkness that lurked in the world outside her village.

I will have her.

The thought was not one of conquest, not in the way he usually approached women. This was something more—a desire to be near her, to understand her, to be part of her world in a way he had never wanted with anyone else.

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