Chapter Two

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Morning light streamed through the sheer curtains of Ingrid's bedroom, casting a soft radiance across the room. Ingrid slowly stirred from her sleep, feeling refreshed after a night of rest. She reached over to her nightstand, checking the time on her phone. It was still early, and the city outside was just beginning to wake up.

She stretched and then slipped out of bed, heading to the kitchen to start her day. As she moved, she mentally reviewed her plans for the day, still excited about the possibility of joining Harrington & Co. The prospect of what lay ahead had given her a renewed energy.

In the kitchen, Ingrid prepared her usual morning routine—a cup of strong coffee and a healthy breakfast. She filled her reusable coffee filter with her current favorite flavor of coffee, caramel pumpkin streusel. Ingrid shut the lid of the coffee pot and pressed the start button. The steam instantly started streaming out the top. She looked out the window while she waited for her coffee to brew, watching as the city began to bustle with activity. The view of Houston in the early morning light was a sight she always found inspiring.

With her coffee in hand and avocado toast with egg and everything bagel seasoning balancing on her mug, Ingrid sat at her small kitchen table, enjoying the quiet start to her day. She allowed herself a few moments of reflection, thinking about the previous day and the interview with Lance Harrington. The memory of his intense gaze and the depth of their conversation replayed in her mind, fueling her anticipation.

As she ate, her phone buzzed with a notification. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the email notification. It was from Harrington & Co. She took a deep breath and opened it, her eyes scanning the words quickly.

The email was a response to her interview, and it contained an invitation for a second round of discussions with Lance. Her excitement was physical, and she let out a small, victorious laugh while kicking her feet in a giddy motion. This was a significant step forward.

Ingrid quickly drafted a reply, expressing her gratitude and confirming her availability for the next meeting. After sending the email, she felt a surge of energy and enthusiasm. She decided to use the rest of her morning to prepare thoroughly for the next round of discussions.

She spent the next few hours researching more about Harrington & Co., brushing up on recent case studies and the firm's notable achievements. She wanted to be as prepared as possible and make an even stronger impression.

Around mid-morning, Ingrid decided to take a break and go for a run. It was a routine she enjoyed, a way to clear her mind and boost her energy levels. She worked out at least a few times each week to keep her athletic figure. And, she really liked dessert. Ingrid flipped her head down and pulled her dirty blonde hair, mostly blonde hair with a slight brown undertone, into a messy ponytail using the white scrunchie that was around her wrist. She put on her orange and pink running shoes, black off brand running shorts, a pink tank top, and headed to a nearby park that had walking or running trails. Fresh air and the rhythmic pounding of her feet on the pavement helped her focus and think more clearly.

As she ran, her thoughts shifted between the excitement of the upcoming second round of discussions and her hopes for the future. She felt a sense of satisfaction knowing she was one step closer to achieving her goals. The run also gave her a moment of clarity, reinforcing her confidence and readiness for whatever challenges lay ahead.

After her productive run, Ingrid returned to her apartment, feeling invigorated and prepared. She took a quick shower lathering some shampoo through her hair and rubbing a bar of soap that smelled like coconuts all over her body, changed into a pair of comfy overworn grey sweats and a matching crew neck sweatshirt from her college volleyball team, and set about organizing her notes and research materials using colorful sticky notes and colored gel pens. She wanted to make sure she was as prepared as possible for the upcoming discussions.

Ingrid was feeling a blend of excitement and determination. She finished up her preparations for the second round of discussions and decided to take a short break. She grabbed her phone and texted Sarah to catch up on plans for the weekend.

"Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I'm one step closer to a big opportunity. Can we catch up this weekend? I'd love to celebrate if things go well."

Sarah's response came almost immediately. "That's fantastic news! I'm free Saturday. Let's plan something fun. Can't wait to hear all about it!"

Ingrid smiled, feeling a sense of relief and happiness at having supportive friends and family in her life. She had made it a priority to only allow positive and welcoming people into her life. When she was eight, her and her sister's father left without a goodbye. He claimed to be too overwhelmed when Ivy was born and just fled. Their mother made it a priority to make sure that the girls always felt unconditionally loved and that their father's weakness was not a reflection of them but his own personal issue. Ingrid learned early on to be cautious with who you allow into your life.

With her plans for the weekend set, she turned her attention back to the tasks at hand.

Her phone buzzed with a new message from her sister Ivy. It was a photo of a delicious homemade lunch. "Mom made our favorite! Wish you were here to share it."

Ingrid's mouth watered at the sight of the bowl of white chicken chili, and she quickly typed back, "It looks amazing! I miss home-cooked meals. I'll have to plan a visit soon. Enjoy it for me!"

With her messages sent, Ingrid decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and visit a nearby café for a change of scenery. She grabbed her research materials, stuffed them neatly into her black laptop bag and headed out, ready for a productive afternoon. She made sure to grab the two reusable grocery bags that were in the backseat of her car before she headed down the street to the café.

The café was a charming spot with clannish seating and large windows letting in natural light. Ingrid found a quiet corner, set up her materials, and ordered a light lunch—a fresh salad that advertised that it was made with only local ingredients and a cup of herbal tea. As she worked, the gentle whirr of conversation and the aroma of coffee created a comforting atmosphere.

Her focus was intense as she reviewed her notes and prepared questions for the upcoming discussions. The café's ambiance provided a perfect backdrop for her thoughts, and she felt a sense of clarity and purpose.

While she was engrossed in her work, she glanced up occasionally, observing the bustling life around her. People chatted over coffee, laptops were open, and the baristas moved efficiently behind the counter wearing green aprons and black visors adorned with pins that reflected their personal interests. The café felt like a vibrant hub of activity, and Ingrid appreciated the dynamic energy it brought to her work session.

After a couple of hours, Ingrid packed up her things, feeling accomplished and ready for the next step. She left the café with a sense of satisfaction and a renewed focus. The day was still young, and she had a few errands to run before heading home.

She strolled through the nearby shops. She stopped at a small grocery store that was family owned and not affluent. She picked up a small variety of fruits and vegetables that would last her the next few days, a carton of eggs, a carton of oat milk, a pumpkin flavored coffee, chocolate ice cream, a steak, and a blend of mixed nuts. There was a little flower vendor outside the market. She smelled the various flowers while inhaling deeply. The city was alive with energy, and Ingrid felt a part of that vibrant rhythm. She marveled at how different her life was from just a few years ago, filled with new opportunities and exciting challenges.

As the sun began to lower in the sky, Ingrid made her way back to her apartment. She felt a pleasant exhaustion from the day's activities but was eager to continue her preparations for the next round of discussions. The prospect of working at Harrington & Co. still loomed large in her mind, and she was determined to seize the opportunity with everything she had.

Back at her apartment, Ingrid settled in for the evening. Ingrid put her groceries away. She reviewed her notes one last time, made a few final adjustments, and then took some time to relax. She enjoyed a simple dinner-a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and spent the rest of the evening unwinding with a good book.

As she prepared for bed, she braided her hair, washed her face, put on a light moisturizer, and brushed her pearly whites. She gave a playful wink to herself in the black rimmed mirror in her bathroom. Ingrid felt a deep sense of satisfaction and anticipation. She had worked hard and prepared thoroughly, and now she was ready to face whatever came next. With a hopeful heart and a clear mind, she drifted off to sleep.

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