Chapter 1

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Maya's POV

New York City. They say it's the city that never sleeps, but for me, it's the city that never lets you breathe. The buildings stretch high like they're suffocating the sky, and the people? They move like they're in some kind of rush, like they're running from something or toward it. But no one runs faster than me.

I pull my jacket tighter against the chill, my breath misting in the air as I weave through the crowd. The lights, the noise—it's all white noise now. I've been here long enough to tune it out. Everyone's chasing something. A dream, money, power. Me? I'm here trying to prove something. To myself, to them. Two years ago, I left Italy with my tail between my legs.

As I step onto the bustling sidewalk, I keep my head down, dodging the tourists and businesspeople alike. I can't afford to get distracted. It's been two years, and I still haven't been able to figure out what I was sent here for.

I glance at my watch, a worn-out piece that I've had since I was a kid. It's a reminder of my mom. My biological mom.

Don't get me wrong; I love Carter and Mom. They're my real parents. I just wanted a little reminder, that's all. A connection to the woman who gave me life, even if she wasn't there to raise me.

I don't feel like I missed out on anything, though. Mom and Carter gave me all the love I could ever ask for.

I go back to running. I run until I get to my apartment. It's a sleek, modern structure that towers over the surrounding streets, with floor-to-ceiling windows glinting in the evening light.

As I step inside, I head to the elevator, pressing the button for the penthouse floor. When the doors slide open, I step out into my penthouse but immediately groan.

"Really, Matteo?"

The sight of Matteo sprawled on the couch, making out with a girl, makes me roll my eyes.

It's bad enough I have to deal with his antics on a regular basis; I really didn't need to walk in on this. "Dude, you couldn't wrap it up before I came?"

Matteo pulls back, his eyes widening with embarrassment. "Uh, Maya! I didn't think you'd be home so soon!" He scrambles to sit up, shoving the girl aside, who looks more amused than anything.

"You get out," I tell the girl, crossing my arms and tapping my foot.

The girl scrambles to her feet, grabbing her belongings. As she slips out the door, I can't help but roll my eyes again.

"Seriously, Matteo?"

Matteo leans back, chuckling. "Come on, it's New York! Live a little!" He gestures toward the window, where the city lights flicker like stars.

"Live a little? Not like this, you idiot," I reply, exasperated. "You think I want to come home to that?"

"Sorry." He mumbles but smiles.

I plop down on the couch next to him. "Any news?"

"There was another murder," he says.

I groan. "What am I missing?"

Matteo's expression turns serious. "The reports say it's connected to that underground gang we've heard whispers about."

"Great," I mutter, running a hand through my hair.

"I heard they're meeting up at BX tomorrow. You can try to look around and see who you can find to talk to for more information."

I shake my head. "We work there; it wouldn't be a good idea."

Matteo smiles. "You're the co-chef. I'm your amazing staff. Nobody would bat an eye if we disappeared for a second."

I bite my lip, weighing the risks. "I don't know, Matty. We're supposed to be undercover. We shouldn't make a scene that would blow our covers."

Matteo shrugs, his expression playful yet serious. "We're not making a scene; we're gathering intel. Plus, you know we're good at this. No one will suspect a couple of chefs are out to solve a mystery."

I shoot him a skeptical look. "Yeah, because chefs are always the first choice for a thrilling undercover mission. But fine, I'll play along. Just promise me we won't do anything reckless."

"Reckless? Me? Never." He grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Let's head to BX around 2 tomorrow. The dinner crowd won't be in full swing yet."

I nod reluctantly, the thrill of the chase already igniting something inside me. "Fine, but you better not mess it up. I swear if you blow our cover, I'll make you scrub every pan in the kitchen for a month."

Matteo chuckles, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Deal. I'll be on my best behavior. Cross my heart."

I shake my head, amused despite myself. "Right."

"Now why don't you come here and give me a kiss?" he playfully says. I put my hand on his face and push him away.

"Not a chance, you goof," I say, trying to keep my expression serious. But I can't help the smile tugging at my lips. "You've had enough action for one night. Focus on the kitchen, not your dating life."

Matteo laughs, shaking his head. "One of us needs to at least find love since all you do is avoid that word altogether."

"Love? Please." I wave my hand dismissively, the thought making my stomach twist. "I'm not looking for a distraction. I've got enough on my plate."

I get up, stretching my arms above my head, letting the tension slide off my shoulders.

"Whatever you say, princess," he says and grabs his Xbox controller, turning it on and starting to play.

I roll my eyes at Matteo's antics, but the familiar banter brings a sense of comfort. I grab a snack from the kitchen and lean against the counter, watching him play.

"Are you actually going to pay attention to me, or are you just going to focus on that stupid game?" I call out, smirking.

"Hey, I'm multitasking here!" he replies, not taking his eyes off the screen. "But I could use a little backup, you know?"

I roll my eyes, laughing softly. The truth is, I could probably use the distraction.

"Fine, I'll play one match." As soon as I sit back down on the couch, his phone starts ringing. I glance at the name, and my mood immediately changes.

"Actually, never mind; I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna go lay down." I feel the weight of the name on Matteo's screen like a lead balloon in my stomach.

My heart sinks as I realize the last thing I want to deal with right now is the reality of our situation.

He looks at me, slightly frowning. "Sorry," is all he says.

Matteo's expression shifts as he hangs up the call, the energy in the room turning heavy. I can sense the unspoken words hanging between us.

"Let's not dwell on it," I say, forcing a smile. "I've had a long day. I need some rest before tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure," Matteo replies, his tone flat. "I'll be here, gaming. Just... let me know if you need anything, okay?"

I nod, grateful for his support, but I can't shake the feeling that something is coming. A storm brewing on the horizon, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it.

As I make my way to my room, I take one last look at Matteo. He's already absorbed in his game, but the smile that usually lights up his face is absent. I close the door softly behind me, leaning against it for a moment, letting the silence envelop me.

I turn on the soft light, illuminating the space filled with memories and reminders of who I am and who I'm trying to become. The walls are adorned with pictures of my family and friends, and I smile faintly at a snapshot of Carter and me from last summer. We were laughing, caught in a moment that felt light years away from the weight of today.

Tomorrow, I tell myself. Tomorrow, I'll gather the pieces of this puzzle, and maybe—just maybe—I'll find what I've been searching for.

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