Chapter 9

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Maya's POV

"She's just so infuriating." I tell Aria. The only friend I have in the entire world. When I moved here she also decided to come with me.

I think she knew I needed her more than ever. We've grown up together so she knows everything about my family and what we do for business and she doesn't mind. In fact she works for us she finds information for us when we need it.

The dim lights of the club cast long shadows, but Aria's sharp eyes catch my frustration as she lifts her glass to her lips.

"You're still talking about Blake?" Aria asks, her eyebrow raised in mild amusement.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Who else? She always knows how to get under my skin. It's like she does it on purpose."

"She probably does." Aria leans forward, resting her elbows on the table. "But why let her? You're the one who's supposed to be in control, right?"

I clench my jaw, staring at the drink in front of me. "It's different with her. I can handle anyone else, but Blake... she's just—" I break off, shaking my head. "She's just so... infuriating."

Aria smirks. "Maybe you two should just—"

"Don't." I cut her off before she can finish. "Been there done that. It did not end well."

Aria's smirk grows wider, clearly enjoying my misery. "Oh, I remember. That was... what, a year ago? Didn't stop you two from pretending like it didn't happen."

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah, well, some things are better left buried."

"Sure, if you actually buried them. But you're still here, talking about her." Aria leans back in her seat, giving me that knowing look she's perfected over the years. "You don't talk about anyone else this much."

"Because no one else pisses me off this much."

"Or gets to you this much," she counters, her voice light but piercing. She knows me too well.

I take another sip of my drink, letting the liquid dull the sharp edge of my thoughts. "I don't have time for this. I'm trying to focus on the mission, keep everything under control, and she's just... there, messing it all up."

Matteo's laughter makes the both of us look toward his direction. He's playing pool and obviously being great at it like he is with everything else. I look at Aria, the way her eyes are taking him in.

"When are you gonna talk to him?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Aria keeps her gaze on Matteo for a moment longer before finally turning back to me with a casual shrug. "I talk to him all the time."

"You know what I mean," I press, narrowing my eyes. "When are you going to actually talk to him?"

She takes a slow sip of her drink, her lips curling into a small smile. "He's not the issue, Maya. If I wanted to make a move, I would. But Matteo's got his own stuff going on, and I'm not about to add to his chaos."

I nod knowingly, "He's been better. Just give it a try."

Aria glances back at Matteo, her expression softening for a moment before she shakes her head. "He's good at keeping things locked up. But I see through him. I don't need to add more weight to his shoulders right now."

I smirk. "Always the considerate one, huh?"
Aria chuckles, taking another sip.

"Someone's gotta be."

We sit in silence for a moment, the steady thrum of the club's music filling the space between us. My thoughts drift back to Blake, as they always do. I hate that she's occupying this much space in my head, but it's like I can't escape it. No matter how hard I try to stay focused, she's always there, lurking at the edges, throwing me off balance.

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