Chapter 5

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Maya's POV

My phone ringing makes me stir. The shrill sound cuts through the remnants of sleep, pulling me from the comfortable haze that had settled around me. I blink into the dim light of the room, the blanket still wrapped around me like a cocoon.

"Turn that down." Blake mumbles, rolling over, her voice muffled by the pillow.

I glance at her, annoyance flooding through me, "You could have slept in your own room then you wouldn't be disturbed."

She lifts her head slightly, a teasing smile creeping onto her face. "And miss out on all this?" She gestures between us, her tousled hair haloing her like some kind of sleepy angel.

I groan and finally manage to sit up and grab my phone. Carters name flashes on the screen. Fuck Blake is here and it's a FaceTime call. But if I don't answer she'll get worried.

I take a deep breath and answer the FaceTime. Carter immediately smiles, "Hi sweetie."

I can't help but immediately feel much better. Carter is just a ray of sunshine. I love her so much. She's been in my life since I was 2 and not once has she made me call her mom or do something I wasn't comfortable with.

I do call her mom from time to time but I love her never pressuring me, "Hey, Carter! What's up?"

Blake stirs again, "Is that-" I go to cut her off from talking and accidentally hit her nose really hard.

"Who is that?" Carter asks.

I look at Blake holding her nose tears forming in her eyes, "That's just the cat."

She laughs, "You got a cat?"

Blake keeps groaning holding her nose and I try to hold my laugh in.

"It's the neighbors but it's so aggressive I don't think I'm ever gonna catsit again."

Carter raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Aggressive, huh? Sounds like you need a cat trainer."

"I might need a whole animal rescue team," I reply, grinning.

Carter's laughter brightens the room even through the screen. "Just take care of yourself, Maya. I can't have my favorite girl getting hurt."

Blake shoots me a glare, clearly unimpressed with my storytelling. I can't help but chuckle, trying to stifle the laughter bubbling up inside me.

I refocus, "Did you need anything?"

She nods, "Just wanted to remind you that you and Blake have a lot of people coming to the restaurant today from both parties. Have you seen her?"

I glance over at Blake, who is still sulking over her nose but managing to give me a sideways glance, her curiosity piqued. "Uh, no not yet. I'm sure she'll stop by."

Blake rolls her eyes dramatically but doesn't say anything, crossing her arms as if to emphasize her displeasure.

Carter's smile fades a bit, concern creeping into her eyes. "You know how important this business dinner is to your mom right? I need you both to make a good impression."

"Yeah, I know. We'll be ready," I assure her, but there's a small knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach.

"Good. I trust you both," she says, her voice warm and encouraging.

"Thanks, Carter. We won't let you and mom down," I reply, and she nods, satisfied.

"Alright, I'll let you go get ready. Love you, Maya."

"Love you too!" I say, and we hang up.

I toss my phone onto the bed and look at Blake, who is now staring at the ceiling, probably still plotting her revenge for the nose incident.

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