Chapter 10

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Blake's POV

It's been a couple of days since Maya and I got into that little argument. I've been doing my best to avoid her one because she hurt me and also because she sees right through me and I won't be able to keep that body a secret for long.

But today's the day that I will for sure run into her. I've been avoiding going to the restaurant but I have responsibilities and I can't skip anymore days.

I put the hood of my on hoodie on as I walk in the rain to the restaurant. The rain feels cold against my skin, soaking through my hoodie as I make my way down the street. I can't help but think back to two years ago.

When everything was just so much better. When Maya actually looked like she cared about me. When I thought something would happen.

One memory comes vividly to mind. It was also raining.


"I'm all in suckers." Maya says and pushes all her chips in the middle. Her eyes sparkle with mischief, and I can't help but grin at her confidence. We're in our usual hangout spot, the dimly lit basement of Matteo's place, surrounded by the sounds of laughter and the clattering of poker chips.

Matteo leans forward, grinning. "You really think you can take all of this?" He motions at himself. "What do you have?"

"I have guts," Maya replies, throwing back her head and laughing, a sound so genuine it feels like sunlight breaking through the clouds.

"Guts don't win you hands, Mio Sole," I tease, but deep down, I admire her fierce spirit. It's infectious.

She narrows her eyes playfully at me, "Bellissima I think by now we know I always win." She tells me.

Matteo and her both flip their cards and I can't help but laugh. Royal flush for Maya and absolutely nothing for Matteo.

"Ouch Matty."

Matteo throws his hands up dramatically, falling back in his chair. "How is that even possible? I had a full-proof strategy," he groans, but his grin never fades.

The door to the basement opens and Matteo's smile gets ten times bigger. "You really thought you had a chance against Maya?" Zara teases Matteo.

Maya smirks collecting her chips, "He likes losing," She quips, "Makes him feel humble."

Zara walks up to Matteo ruffling his hair and sitting on his lap.

Matteo grins, pulling Zara closer as she settles onto his lap, his arms wrapping around her waist like she's the missing piece to his puzzle. "Maybe losing isn't so bad after all," He murmurs.

Zara hums, "Why don't you and I go grab more snacks hmm?"

Maya rolls her eyes, but I can see the hint of a smile creeping onto her lips. "You two are disgusting," She says, playfully pushing Zara away.

Matteo gets up holding Zara's hand as they start to walk out the room and he points at the two of us, "Right like you two haven't been itching to touch each other."

The second he closes the door, I glance at Maya, "He's right you know."

She gets up from her seat, "Oh is he now?"

Maya walks to the couch and sits on it motioning for me to come sit next to her. I immediately get up. I make my way over, the playful challenge in her eyes igniting a familiar spark between us.

"Think you can handle the competition? A lot of people want my attention." I ask, trying to sound more confident than I feel. I'm acutely aware of how close we are now, the space between us shrinking as I settle onto the couch.

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