Chapter 3

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Maya's POV

Blake Xavier in the flesh. Always looking so good. Her rich, chocolate skin and those piercing dark blue eyes make her look like a movie star. It's not just her looks, though—it's the way she carries herself, with this effortless confidence that commands attention the second she walks into a room. She doesn't have to say a word, and yet everyone knows she's the one to watch.

She must have gotten back from her business trip early and of course her first stop was the restaurant. It's her restaurant after all. She's the head chef.

Blake steps forward, eyes locked on Jason, sizing him up like he's nothing more than an inconvenience. She looks so calm, so unbothered by the whole scene, but I know better. There's a storm brewing behind those eyes.

Jason stumbles over his words, clearly taken aback. "Your wife?" He glances between us, trying to piece it together.

Blake tilts her head slightly, a small, dangerous smile playing on her lips. "Problem with that?"

Jason's confidence falters as Blake closes the distance. She's got this presence, this way of making anyone feel small in her space.

"I... uh..." Jason stammers, stepping back, trying to salvage whatever ego he's got left.

Blake doesn't even flinch. "Thought so."

I lean against the bar, smirking, arms crossed. "You ruined my dinner Blakey."

Jason looks at me, confused, but he knows better than to stick around. Without another word, he turns and leaves, tail between his legs.

As soon as he's out of sight, Blake turns to me, arching an eyebrow. "Really? Him?"

I shrug, pushing off the bar . "Not your business."

Blake sighs, running a hand through her hair. "Next time, try not to waste your time on trash."

I laugh, stepping closer. "Jealous?"

"Hardly," She replies, her voice dripping with sarcasm, but there's that flicker in her eyes that says otherwise.

I grin and tap her cheek walking away, "Whatever you say, Mrs. Xavier."

Blake catches my wrist before I can fully walk away, pulling me back toward her. "You're not walking away that easily," She says, her voice low but with that edge that tells me she's not done.

I smirk, tilting my head. "Oh? Got more to say, do we?"

She steps closer, her grip firm but gentle, and those dark-blue eyes lock on mine. "We had a deal. You can hate this marriage as much as you want but in public you have to play the part."

I raise an eyebrow, tilting my head as I look up at her. "In public? You think this is just about acting, Blake?"

Her grip tightens slightly, her voice dropping even lower. "It was the agreement, Maya. You wanted this alliance as much as I did. We're in this together, whether you like it or not."

I smirk, stepping closer so our bodies are almost touching. "Oh, I don't hate it, Mrs. Xavier. In fact, I quite enjoy the attention you give me when you think someone else might get too close." My fingers trail lightly over her hand, teasing, knowing exactly how to push her buttons.

Blake's jaw tightens, but she doesn't back down. "You're playing a dangerous game."

"And you love it," I say, locking eyes with her. The tension between us crackles in the air, a constant battle of wills. "You're the one who made this arrangement. I'm just living it out."

Blake leans in, her breath hot against my ear. "You think I don't know what you're doing? Keep pushing, Maya. See where it gets you."

I pull back slightly, grinning. "Maybe I will."

There's a flicker of something in her eyes—something darker, more possessive. "You want a show? Fine. But don't think for a second I won't remind you who's really in control."

I hold her gaze, feeling the weight of her words settle in between us. The tension is thick, but it's not the kind of tension that drives us apart—if anything, it pulls us closer. Blake's always been good at that, making a simple moment feel like a game of chess, each of us waiting for the other to make the next move.

"Control, huh?" I smirk, brushing past her shoulder just enough to make her feel it. "Is that what this is about?"

Blake's eyes narrow, but there's a flicker of amusement in them. "I think you know exactly what it's about."

I step back, giving her a once-over, taking in every inch of that effortless confidence she wears like armor. "Fine," I say, letting my voice drop just enough to match her energy. "Then let's make sure we give them a show they'll never forget."

Blake's lips twitch into a smirk, one that sends a shiver down my spine. She always knows how to push, how to make every encounter between us feel like a spark waiting to catch fire. But what she forgets is that I can also push back 10 times harder.

She takes a step closer, her fingers trailing down my arm. "Don't worry, darling," she whispers, her voice dripping with both promise and warning. "I'm always in control when it comes to you."

Before I can respond, Blake's hand slides down my back, pulling me flush against her. Her grip is firm.

I look at her for a second. I can feel the heat radiating from her body, the way her presence envelops me, making it hard to think straight.

I take a deep breath and take her hands off of me, "Let's keep our hands to ourselves Blakey."

I start walking away from her. This time she lets me. I glance at her and her eyes flash with something dangerous and electric, but she just smiles. The type of smile that says she's won this round, but the game is far from over.

Game on Blake, game on.

I walk back into the kitchen. "Back already?" Matteo asks.

"Your sister is back." I say, rolling my eyes as I lean against the kitchen counter.

Matteo grins, wiping his hands on a towel. "I bet she made quite an entrance."

I hum, "You know how she is."

Matteo chuckles, "Trouble in your marriage?"

"Oh please. You know very well this whole thing is just business. She can deny it all she wants but I know it was her who gave the idea to our parents."

Matteo leans against the counter, arms crossed, a playful smirk on his face. "Business or not, you two are practically a soap opera. I can't tell if it's love or a cold war over who's got the bigger ego."

"Get back to work Matteo." Blake's voice is sharp, cutting through our banter like a knife. She steps into the kitchen, her presence demanding immediate attention.

Blake's attention shifts back to me, eyes narrowing slightly. "And you? Are you going to just stand there or actually contribute?"

She's holding a cheesecake in her hand waiting to give to a server when he comes back.

"I would love to but I'm off." I tell her and walk towards her I have a great idea.

I pretend to trip and hit the plate of cheesecake making it hit her face.

The kitchen erupts in laughter, Matteo doubling over, and even a few servers nearby can't contain their amusement. But Blake? She freezes for a split second, her expression going from shock to a simmering fury, mixed with a hint of amusement that she can't quite suppress.

One point for me.

"I'll see you later at the apartment Blake."

Matteo shoots me a playful look. I grin back, relishing the moment. The last thing I see before I exit the kitchen is Blake wiping the cheesecake off her face, a storm brewing in her eyes.

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