** 8 - Navigating Boundaries **

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Sabrina poured steaming coffee into her mug, inhaling the invigorating aroma that filled the kitchen. Donna chattered excitedly beside her, bouncing up and down.

"Mom's got another date tonight!" Donna exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

"That's great, kiddo! What's the plan?" Her voice sounded casual, but her eyes lingered on Donna's enthusiastic face, imagining Zoe's smile.

Donna's face scrunched up in thought. "Ethan's taking her to that new Italian place downtown. Mom said they'll try the spaghetti."

Sabrina tried to pinpoint why that sentence echoed so heavily in her chest, but before she could even try to analyse it. Donna's voice snapped Sabrina back to reality. "Sabrina, can we make Mom a good luck charm?"

Sabrina's heart swelled at Donna's sweetness. "Of course, kiddo! What did you have in mind?"

"I want to draw a four-leaf clover!" Donna exclaimed. "Mom loves those."

Sabrina smiled, pulling out paper and crayons. "Let's make it extra special." Together, they coloured the clover's leaves green and added a golden stem.

Donna held up the finished drawing, beaming. "Look, Sabrina! Good luck, Mom!" The crayon drawing featured a bright four-leaf clover surrounded by hearts.

Sabrina's eyes misted, touched by Donna's gesture. She helped Donna tape the drawing to Zoe's purse, the charm's message clear: "Good luck, Mom. Love you."

Zoe had already left for work and she had said that she will be out all day with back to back meetings. Sabrina gazed out the window, her thoughts drifting to her feelings for Zoe. She felt... different around her. It wasn't just liking or admiring her; it was something more. Sabrina struggled to put her finger on it.

Maybe it was how Zoe made her laugh or the way she cared for Donna. Whatever it was, Sabrina felt drawn to her in a way she'd never experienced before. It was unsettling, yet intriguing.

Sabrina furrowed her brow, unsure how to process these new emotions. She'd never felt this way about anyone, and it threw her off balance.

"Am I just lonely?" Sabrina thought, doubt creeping in. "Do I just want to feel loved again? Is that why Zoe seems so captivating?"

Sabrina's phone buzzed, displaying Terry's name. She hesitated, unsure if she was ready for this conversation. Curiosity won out, and she answered.

"Hey, Sabrina," Terry said, his voice laced with nostalgia. "I've been thinking about us, about the past. I realize now I took you for granted. I was blind to what we had."

Sabrina settled into the couch, her tone neutral. "What do you want, Terry?" She hadn't spoken to him in months, and the sound of his voice brought up mixed emotions.

"I want to make amends, to show you I've changed," Terry pleaded. "Remember how good we were together? Our laughs, our late-night talks?" Sabrina's mind began to wander, recalling the nights at her flat, Terry's charming smile, and his gentle touch. But also, the emptiness.

She remembered one night in particular, when Terry had come over, and they'd sat on the couch, watching a movie. He'd leaned in to kiss her, and she'd tried to convince herself that this was what she wanted. That Terry was the perfect partner – handsome, kind, and her best friend. But as his lips touched hers, she felt...nothing.

No spark, no flutter, no excitement. Just a hollow feeling, like she was going through the motions. She'd tried to fake enthusiasm, to will herself into desire, but it never came.

Terry's words pulled her back to the present. "Sabrina, I know I hurt you deeply, and I'm so sorry. I was wrong to cheat on you, especially with someone you trusted."

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