Chapter 22: Caleb's Point of View

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I lay in bed, Ella asleep in my arms, her breathing steady and calm. I should have felt relieved, knowing she was safe with me, but something gnawed at the back of my mind—the fear in her voice when she said someone was at her window.

It didn't sit right with me. Ella wasn't the type to panic over nothing, and the fact that she was scared enough to run into my room, in the middle of the night, told me something was off. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just the wind.

Carefully, I slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake her. Her body stirred slightly, but she stayed asleep, still curled up under the blankets. I stepped out of the room quietly and made my way to the living room, where the security footage could be accessed. If someone had been at her window, I needed to know.

I sat down at the desk, pulled up the footage, and started scrolling through the recordings from the night. At first, nothing looked out of place—the usual quiet street, no movement near the house. But then, around the time Ella had woken me up, I saw it.

A figure near her window.

I zoomed in, my heart pounding. The image was grainy, but I could make out enough detail to know it wasn't some random person. It was the guy—the same guy she had been talking to earlier, the one she was supposed to go on a date with. I felt a surge of anger rise in my chest, hot and sharp.

What the hell was he doing outside her window?

Fury boiled inside me, my fists clenching at the sight. The guy had come to her window in the middle of the night, watching her, creeping around like a coward. It made my blood run cold. This wasn't just some harmless mistake—he was stalking her.

I wasn't about to let this slide.


Without wasting another second, I grabbed my phone and searched for his contact information. I didn't care how late it was—I wasn't letting this guy get away with it. It didn't take long for me to find his address. The town wasn't that big, and people had a way of leaving their footprints all over the internet.

The rage building inside me wasn't something I could ignore. I wasn't just angry; I was *furious*—furious that he'd tried to intimidate Ella, furious that he thought he could get away with it. And I was going to make damn sure he never came near her again.

I grabbed my jacket and keys, slipped out of the house without making a sound, and got in my car. The drive was short—too short, really. My mind raced the entire time, thinking about what I was going to say, how I was going to handle this. I didn't know if I'd be able to keep my cool.

When I pulled up to his house, I saw him getting out of his car. Perfect timing.

I stepped out of my car and walked straight toward him. He looked up, his face twisting in confusion as he recognized me. "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked, his tone cocky, like he wasn't fazed at all.

I didn't waste time with pleasantries. "I know what you did," I said, my voice low and tight. "You were outside Ella's window tonight."

He raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his lips. "I don't know what you're talking about, man. Maybe she's just paranoid."

I felt the anger bubble up again, hotter this time. "Don't play dumb. I saw the footage." I stepped closer, my fists clenched at my sides. "You go near her again, and you'll regret it."

The guy laughed, like this was all some kind of joke to him. "Oh, so you're playing the knight in shining armor now? That's cute."

I didn't respond—I didn't have to. The second he laughed, something snapped inside me. Before I knew it, I had shoved him hard, slamming him against his car.

His eyes widened in surprise, and the smirk disappeared. "Hey, man, chill—"

"You think this is a game?" I growled, my voice sharp and deadly. "You think you can mess with her and get away with it?"

He shoved me back, trying to regain his footing, but I was faster. My fist connected with his jaw, and he stumbled, clutching the side of his face. His expression quickly shifted from cocky to terrified.

"I'm warning you," I said, my voice low but filled with a threat I knew he could feel. "If you ever go near her again, I'll make sure this ends a lot worse for you."

The fear in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. He wouldn't be messing with Ella again. Without another word, he backed away, holding up his hands in surrender before getting back into his car. He wasn't stupid—he knew I wasn't bluffing.

I watched him speed off, my fists still clenched, my heart pounding in my chest. The anger didn't leave as quickly as he did, but at least I knew Ella was safe now. He wouldn't dare come near her again.


When I got back home, the house was quiet, just like I'd left it. Ella was still in my bed, sound asleep, her body curled up under the blankets. I walked over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed for a moment, just watching her. She looked so peaceful, so unaware of the danger that had been lurking outside her window earlier.

I slid back into bed beside her, pulling the blankets over us. As I lay there, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. She stirred slightly in her sleep, resting her head against my chest, but she didn't wake.

I knew she was safe now. And I wouldn't let anyone—*anyone*—hurt her again.

We would wake up soon, but tonight, she slept in my arms, and for the first time, I knew she'd be okay.

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