The Journey Begins:Chapter 1

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It was dark...Darker yet darker

No lights, no shadow or even a source of sun could be seen

Moving your hand to your face couldn't even help you see it, it was too dark and cold...

"So cold...Why is it so cold?"

You hold yourself in a close embrace, trying to make sure you wouldn't die from hyperthermia, your skin is practically hardening itself around you, it all feels too hard and painful...if it wasn't so dark, you could've probably seen your own breath leaving the body, but alas...You couldn't.

Walking somewhere, trying to even figure out a direction could help you think, it's better then just standing there and just dying.

So you walked...And walked...And walked...

No light or any progress, you started to believe you weren't even moving in the first place, it was all too dark to even notice a movement...

But you kept going...And To your surprise...You actually started to see some light...

So you ran...And ran..And ran...

To see...


Green was screaming and shaking you awake, seeing her made you let out a sigh of relief, it was just a dream...




You give her a confused look, not knowing how to answer, overslept? Really? Getting up from bed, and stretching of course...

"What do you mean? Didn't you put up the alarm?"

She looks at you with a bit of a embarrassing Red blush of shame

"I uuhh....Forgor...."

You gently put your hands on her shoulders...And slowly get closer


You say in a reassuring voice, making her feel quite s-

"You're a idiot. Clean your ass, NOW!"

And boom, immediately yelling at her to go run off, skedaddle. Green runs off to go get a shower and prepping everything for today. As she runs, she seems to also be saying stuff like "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" And "I forgot! I'm so sorry!".

Ugh...First day and already needing to run, you look at the time and's only 8:35...And the Professor Opens up at 9 am...Maybe with some patience and running extremely fast...

"Nah...I don't run...Let's just prepare..."

After a bit of quickly showering, eating and more. It was already 9:05. So it's already late on the first day...Great.

Green tries to have a casual conversation to lighten the mood a bit.

"So...Uhm...How's your morning?"

"...Green, we are late. Let's just make our way to the professor and get our pokemons."

"Oh c'mon Grey! Look, I'm sorry! I really am! But we're only 5 minutes late! I'm sure their are still enough pokemons for us to have! I bet that Red and Blue aren't even their yet!"

Red and blue...Two other friends you had. Not gonna lie, Red and you had so far the best friendship, just the fact that you two don't really want to talk and just keep it casual already makes you two so close. It's like communicating without saying words...But somehow understanding each other perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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