Pokemon Grey- The Prologue

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"Welcome trainers! To our international pokemon battle! Today we're hearing a loud and strong roar from our champion! That's right! His dragonite is one if not thee strongest that we have seen yet! Give it up to Lance!"

A loud roar of approval was given by the public crowd, everyone cheered on his name, praising for being the champion, the strongest, the best that no one ever was...

"But don't keep all the applause for Him, Gabby! The people from Galar wish to also show their rough n' tough like personality to us! And of course! We can't forget about the one and only, with his unbeatable Charizard! Le-"


"Fucking hell, this is giving me a headache...UnBeAtAbLe ChAmPiOn, My ass. I bet he's just being used as a trophy for the galar region, Doesn't help as well with all the rumours about the chairman spreading like wildfrost...Using pokemons to get power..Disgusting!"

The boy stands up and stretches his back, a bit of some pops can be heard from the satisfying bone cracks it's making. Yawning right after from the short tv time he had.

"Geez, You should stop reading those weird stories on Reddighoul, Grey. They're making you believe those weird conspiracy shit that aren't even real. I mean, do you seriously believe the Chairman would do something that bad?"

Grey, that really wasn't your name...it's more of a nickname given to you when you where younger, wasn't really used in a positive way. Suppose it was to represent how gloomy, annoyed or alone you'd be...And not to mention, that after the camping incident...Everything changed for you. The girl who was sitting next to you on the couch just rolls her eyes on what you just said, being more or less what she liked to call it "bullshit." or "random nonsense." Her nickname is...

"Green, You gotta believe me tho, remember when i told you all about Those weird noises we heard last month? No one believed me! But I knew for a fact that was the sound of a Mew!"

Grey begins to shake his arms aggressively, kinda like a bird flapping it's wings for protection, but here it was done out of sheer annoyance.

"Uh huh...And what sound DOES a Mew make?"


You think for a bit, in fact, you weren't sure what a Mew ACTUALLY sounds like, or even...Looks like. Took you a lot of research from the professor to even find out what one sounds and kinda looks like. There is just one proof you have of it existing...A weird little crystal like rock. Shaped like what seems to be a repel. But it's a pink shade instead. Holding it tightly in your hands, not letting go or slowly lowering pressure. It just...Feels good to hold it.

What were you thinking again? The sound of a mew, right? Well, it sounds like a cat...Maybe?






Green Abruptly begins to laugh at you attempt of a "Mew" She didn't expect that from someone like you, she has known you for her whole life; At least, most of it. Both her and you imagine each other to be so close, you two could be siblings. Although total opposites from each other, doesn't matter, you two always manage to understand and agree with one another. A girl who always goes outside, cheery and can talk to anyone...And then you.


She keeps laughing, getting pretty loud at night, you roll your eyes and grunt.

"Ugh, everyone knows the sound of one!"

"Yeah, and that is?"

Before saying anything...You grin and start walking weird, as if you just crapped your pants in space.

Pokemon red, Blue, Green, Yellow...And Grey (A Pokemon Kanto based story)Where stories live. Discover now