Chapter 4

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A Blue eyed foreign Student

"We are reporting to you live for some breaking news..." The news reporter announced on television early in the morning.

The news reporter continued, "Early this morning, a body wrapped in cloth was found in a meat locker at Saikou Academy. The police are treating this as a homicide and are currently investigating the case..."

Amao's face paled as he watched the news, the piping bag dropping from his hand and the whipped cream spilling over the kitchen counter.

"Oh, no..." he whispered, feeling a wave of nausea wash over him.

In the apartment, Oko's grip tightened on the knife in his hands, his knuckles turning white. The news only fueled his anger and frustration, making his plans more urgent than ever.

Meanwhile, Kaizuna's heart raced as she watched the news, her mind swirling with worry. She gripped the armrest of the chair she was sitting on, struggling to keep herself from fainting.

The Aishi twins sat stone-faced in front of the television set, their minds working in tandem. The news of the murder only added fuel to their twisted fire, a dark flame igniting in their soulless eyes. Their hearts pounded in anger, their lips pursed tight. The anger boiling in their veins slowly rose higher, their hands clenching into fists, knuckles turning white, and their mind consumed with violent thoughts.

Ayato was the first to speak, "Who used the knife in the kitchen?"

"Oko and Amao." Ayano answered.

"Call them."

Ayano nodded silently and picked up her phone, dialing the numbers of the two men. The ringtone seemed to echo in their ears like a death knell. Amao was the first to answer, his voice shaky and anxious. "H-hello?"

"We need to talk. Now." Ayano's voice was cold and stern, her anger evident even through the phone.

Amao swallowed hard. He could sense the seriousness in her voice. "I-I'm on my way."

"Hurry up." Ayano hissed before ending the call. The dial tone rang in her ears as she clenched the phone tighter in her hand. She turned to look at Ayato, who was staring at the TV with a look of anger and determination.

"We'll get to the bottom of this." She said, her voice low and resolute.

Ayato looked at her, his eyes mirroring her determination. "And when we do, there will be hell to pay."

The Saikou Killer Group only has about ten minutes till school as Kaizuna, Oko, and Amao arrived at their home.

"... Sit." Ayato commanded.

Kaizuna, Oko, and Amao silently obeyed, sitting down on the couch in front of Ayato and Ayano. The atmosphere was tense, so thick that one could cut it with a knife. Ayano spoke first, her voice cold and emotionless. "We saw the news."

Kaizuna closed her eyes, a look of shame on her face. Amao looked down at his lap, avoiding eye contact.

Oko, however, was unfazed, his gaze meeting Ayato's. "So?"

"Which one of you had the knife and put it in the wrong slot?" Ayato questions, and Oko and Kaizuna pointed fingers at Amao.

Amao's face paled as he was suddenly put in the hot seat. He was about to speak up in his defense when Ayano cut him off.

"We don't have time for scapegoating." She said, her voice firm. "We need to know the truth."

"I used the knife, and Oko cleaned it!" Amao said quickly before they had the chance to speak.

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