Chapter 9

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A Hunger for Control

The crisp autumn air swirled around Naomi and Taro as they walked side by side, leaves crunching beneath their feet. The bite of the cold hinted at winter’s approach, but Naomi barely noticed, too absorbed in Taro’s words as he spoke about his time in Aishi Mental Hospital.

“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Dr. Aishi,” Taro said, his breath visible in the chill air. “He’s... different. It wasn’t just about the therapy or the meds; it felt like he genuinely cared.”

Naomi glanced at Taro, her bronze eyes scanning his face for any sign of discomfort. “He sounds like a remarkable doctor. What was it that helped you the most?”

Taro shoved his hands in his pockets, a faint smile playing on his lips. “I think it was the way he treated me like a person. He never acted like I was broken or needed fixing. We talked... really talked. I told him things I wouldn’t tell anyone else, and he never judged. Just listened.”

Naomi nodded thoughtfully, her curly orange hair ruffled by the breeze. “That’s rare,” she remarked. “Most professionals are caught up in their methods, forgetting there’s a human being on the other side of the desk.”

Taro sighed, his smile fading slightly. “Yeah, but it wasn’t all easy. There were days when I wanted to give up, when the world outside seemed too overwhelming. But Dr. Aishi was always there, reminding me that healing takes time. That even if I stumble, it doesn’t mean I’m not moving forward.”

Naomi glanced at him again, noting the sincerity in his voice. “And you’re still in contact with him?”

“Yeah,” Taro replied, nodding. “I check in with him every so often. He keeps me grounded, you know? Even now, he’s just a call away. I’ve never had someone like that before.” He chuckled softly. “I actually spoke to him not too long ago, about this stupid thing I did. I... flipped off a classmate.”

Naomi raised an eyebrow, the corner of her lips curling in amusement. “Flipped someone off? You?”

Taro laughed, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Yeah, I know. Not very like me, right? But the guy was rude, called me clumsy for bumping into him. It was a crowded hallway!”

Naomi shook her head, suppressing a grin. “You? Clumsy? Hard to imagine.”

“I know, right?” Taro said with a grin. “But even that, Dr. Aishi didn’t scold me. He just asked why I did it and reminded me that it’s okay to feel frustrated sometimes. I guess he’s still helping me grow.”

Naomi’s thoughts lingered on Dr. Aishi. She had never met him, but from what Taro said, he seemed like a rare kind of psychiatrist—one who truly understood people, not just their illnesses. “Sounds like you were lucky to end up in his care.”

Taro nodded, his expression turning more serious. “I was. But... there are others out there, Naomi. People who don’t get that kind of help. People stuck in places like... like Akademi Asylum.”

Naomi’s gaze sharpened at the mention of the name. “Akademi Asylum?” she repeated, her curiosity piqued.

“Yeah,” Taro replied, his tone somber. “I’ve heard things. Dr. Aishi told me about it once. He said it’s not the same... people come out worse, not better.”

Naomi’s heart quickened as a feeling of dread crept in. She’d been hired to investigate the disappearances at school, but if there was a connection to Akademi Asylum... it could mean something much darker was at play.

“Naomi,” Taro said, noticing the shift in her demeanor, “I don’t know what you’re involved in, but just... be careful. If you ever cross paths with that place, don’t let it take you in.”

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⏰ Last updated: 17 hours ago ⏰

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