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/I owe ALL credit for this chapter to my friend TheNeopolitan! Thank You sooooooo Much!!!!/

~Neo's POV~

I stared through the windows of the transport craft as we flew over the city of Vale. I couldn't believe that I was on my way to Beacon Academy! It was a very impressive view. If you could stomach it. Unfortunately there was a blond haired boy on the other side of the ship couldn't. He was clutching his stomach and groaned, bringing a hand to his mouth. Bleh..... If he was going to be sick, I did NOT want to be anywhere near him. I took a couple steps in the opposite direction of the way he was staggering. Apparently someone else had the same idea, except she took a step back instead of to the side

"Oh! I-I'm So sorry !" The girl immediately apologized after she bumped into me. she only stood about half a foot taller than me. Well if you don't count her large brown bunny ears. She had even longer hair, and big round brown eyes. My own eye switched to brown and pink as I watched her, my curiosity growing, although she seemed not to notice. "I-I'm sorry," She apologized again. "I wasnt looking where I was Going. M-My name is Velvet. She held out her hand to shake. I took it and shook politely, looking up at her without saying anything. She seemed to think that I was just being stubborn or shy about introducing myself, so she tried again, "What's your name?" I released her hand and signed my name, and realized she didn't understand me. "I'm sorry, I don't understand?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. Instead I pointed at my throat to get her to notice That I'm mute, so she knew I couldn't introduce myself. She seemed to get it and said

"Oh, You can't talk!" I nodded and sighed, hoping that I would play charades all day. I pulled up my scroll out, showing the identification page, and I hand her my scroll, mentally slapping myself in realization that I could have just typed it out to begin with.

"Neopolitan? That's a nice name!" She smiled.

"Hey, Velvet!Over here!" Someone yelled to her eagerly.

'I'm sorry. I have to go,"The faunus girl told me. I nodded and she gave a small wave before she disappeared into the crowd. Almost as soon as she disappeared, the carrier landed. I walked down the door of the carrier and paused so a cart full of luggage could pass in front of me. The person pushing it tried to turn too sharply, causing the cart to tip over, spilling the dark brown suitcases and briefcases. The man grumbled, flipped the cart back up and started to stack the cases back onto it. For a split second I debated jumping onto the cart and wheeling away with it, but I ignored the urge as something a vibrant red color caught my eyes. I turned to look behind me to see what it was.

I realized quickly that the bright orangey/ red color wasn't a what, but a who.He had a sort of burnt orange hair that was short, messy hair that has a long fringe with one particular lock of hair making a small spike going off of the side of his head. He had dark skin and wore black pants and shoes. He also wore a plane vest with a black zipper that matched the color of his hair. I believe that the most striking thing about his appearance was his eyes. They were just white and almost seemed to glow against his darker features. He didn't seem to be with anyone as he descended down the ramp. Another slightly taller boy with broad shoulders shoved the orange boy to the side roughly, pushing him off the ramp. The boy landed on his feet with his arms outstretched. I frowned slightly as the larger boy with silver armor and short light brown hair looked down at him and scowled, "watch where you're going!" and then CONTINUED down the ramp the same way I had. What a jerk. He shouldn't act like that and walk away with no consequences.

I saw the fallen luggage in front of me and a mischievous idea came to mind. Before I fully thought out what I was doing, I kicked the briefcase that was closest to me so that it slid in front of the taller boy's path. He didn't notice the case until he tripped over it."Ah!" he yelped in surprise as he fell to the ground, unable to catch himself. If I could have laughed out loud, I would have. Instead an accomplished smirk rested on my face. "Who did that?" The boy demanded, looking around angrily. His eyes fell on the man pushing the cart and he grabbed the man roughly by the collar. I sighed, realizing that I got the man into a bit of trouble. I was about to separate the two when the owner of the fallen luggage came up behind me.

"Now that wasn't very wise," she said calmly, but I could practically hear the smirk in her voice. I turned to face the woman. She stood just over a foot taller than me. Her skin was just as pale as mine, but she was dressed in a mix of dark and light browns, with an impressive set of belts laced with bullets. She had short dark brown hair, with a curl going down the side of her face that changed from brown to red. She wore wired aviator classes to cover her eyes.

I arched an eyebrow at her. She didn't seem mad that I had kicked one of her briefcases, and I didn't think that making that jerk trip and fall was a bad idea. She picked up a similar briefcase and opened it, showing me the contents. The one that she opened was filled with dust. "Luckily the one that you kicked just had bullets, but if you had kicked one like this... boom. You might have been blown over the edge of the cliff." She smiled and in one swift motion she flicked the briefcase closed before setting it back onto the cart. She then tapped me lightly under the chin and said, "We wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face of yours would we?" She grinned down at me before continuing, "You have yourself a nice day." She turned to look at the taller boy who was ready to point the cart man's face in and strutted over to them with confidence and saying, "Boys. Boys. Lets be reasonable here."

A smile rested on my face as I watched her go. Usually people with her confidence bugged the heck out of me, but there was something about her that made her attitude more amusing than annoying. I rested my umbrella on my shoulder and grinned before I CONTINUED forward into the Academy.

/Again, All my thanks go to the amazing Neo. (You still owe me ice cream!!!!!!!) Go follow her. She's an amazing writer, and a great friend!/

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