Forgive Or Forget ?

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John POV...

I woke up to breakfast and fruit over my half sleep body with jasmine next to me. I smiled a small smile, but it eventually faded once I remembered what feelings I had towards her at the time as her apologies faded I just leaned up and kissed her forehead. I forgave her of course. That's my baby girl and of course I love her I was just shocked on how much she had grown over the years.

"I understand that sometimes you wanna protect your friends their like sisters to you but you have to know where to draw the line. You don't wanna damage our trust to save another baby girl."

"I know daddy and I'm so sorry I even lied to any of you guys and it will never happen again."

As we hugged Antonio walked in, then cleared his throat as I nudged him to come in she smiled at me then him he then spoke.

"Everyone is ready Baby" he said as he grabbed her and and waved bye until they were gone.


Jasmine POV...

As we were on the city wide tour bus showing us history and artifacts the guys and a random started a acapella group it was cute cause their were taking it old school and sexy and grown everyone on the tour quieted down to listen it was mind blowing on how talented our men were and here we are just athletes.

"We are finally here."

-Tone shouts out as he gets out following behind him was Desmond, KT, Rae, Myself and Lilly. We all get off and we were at a basketball court filled with guys and girls they instantly run off in different directions leaving Iyana, Lily and I alone we just stand there next to the gate while the snapping selfies together.

-Tone joins the 3 point contest.

-K.T. joins the crowd along side this girl Jessica.

-Desmond joined the stoners heaven on the sideline.


Iyana POV... (Rae)

I was walking around with the girls when I seen KT playing around with this chick Jessica I knew who she was cause they were friends she been all on his Instagram pictures with him and stuff but it seemed to me they were a little close for comfort and I was starting to get uncomfortable. Lily looked at me like "Bitch you ain't gone go say something" I know yall probably asking how you know that was her look she gave? Well maybe it's because she said it with it.

"Bitch you ain't gone go over there and say something?"

-Lily asked damn near boiling her eyes at the side of my face as I look in the direction of Kyle and his "Friend".

"Chill Lily that's not nice their just friends so don't even put that in her head."

-Jasmine said stepping in between the both of us.

We all heard screams saying "About time" "We knew" "Matter of time" !!!

We all turn around and see KT and Jessica kissing as he jumped back we met eyes and I ran the opposite way as I can hear her laughing I turn around and run towards her straight pass Jasmine and Lily before they could grab me and just strait speared on the ground and attacked her as I felt hands hitting me in my head Jasmine ran and grabbed the girl and slammed her against the gate as they fought Lily grabbed the girl that was kicking me in my side and knees her across the face blood squirted everywhere as KT grabbed me off Jessica she rolled away as she could barely stand. Jasmine repeatedly gave right hand blows back and forward until tone finally made it through the crowd and yanked her from the girl as he carried her off the court and as did KT with me. Desmond walked calmly after Lily.


Lily POV...

"What the fuck was that Jazzie?"

-Tone said furious.

"They were jumping my sister TF you expect me to do? Huh?"

-She shot back at him.

"Why did you attack her Rae?"

-KT asked as if he did nothing wrong.

"Wait Why and the FUCK are you even talking to me you kissed that girl and she laughed that's why I attacked her. Fuck is you saying bro. I always knew something was between you two but you had the balls to cheat in front of me."

-Iyana shouted in tears.

I walked back up from calling an uber for us it was already late and our dads were probably waiting up for us.

"Look tonight was not what we had in mind okay you brung us here in your domain and left hanging the minute we walked in." "You left us here alone no introduction then we catch KT kissing another girl." "It's just not what we had in mind." "Desmond smoking which I never knew he started." "And I never knew the guy named Antonio that neglected my sister the girl he says he loves."

-I say in a soft tone while hugging one side of Rae while Jazzie was on the other side.

"Look she kissed me I didn't kiss her I pulled back baby I would never do that to you.

-KT pleaded to her coming closer.


-she screamed making both me and Jasmine jump back as she took of running as Jasmine followed.

"Look just stay away from us guys. I'm warning you. "

-I say as I get in the uber that had just pulled up and pointed him in the direction that they ran off as we found them on the curb of a corner crying together.

Our dads were right there waiting as Iyana tried to wipe her tears Uncle Randy had already notices and just hugged her as he walked her to her bed. Uncle John just kissed Jazzie forehead and said...

"It's okay baby girl no matter what happens in life you will always have me."

All she did was say "Thank You Daddy"

She walked to her bed as did uncle John.

-I sat next to my dad and sighed big as a second went by and everything that happen just flowed right out. It's amazing how easy it is to talk to my dad when his lips aren't moving non stop. Making it difficult.

"I don't know if I should have made them stay and talk or if I did the right thing." "Daddy did I do the right thing?"

"Baby listen you felt mistreated and neglected and from what you say it is completely right to walk away from someone who makes you feel that way." "Now once you guys can sit in the same room and talk it out now it's only at the pace that your heart will heal."

We continued to talk as we both soon fell asleep on the couch as I cuddled his side something I haven't did since I was 8.


Rae POV... (Iyana)
As we all woke up my head pounded hard asf. I woke up completely and went into the restroom and bumped into Jazzie and Lily.

"Ouch Girl, looking for Advil relief to huh?"

-Jasmine said giggling.

"We Are too man all last night gave me a headache.

-Lily added.

"Look all jokes aside, I'm so glad to have sisters like you two, that no matter what have my back." "I love you guys I swear."

"Girl we love you too." "It's not time but when it's time." "We gotta choose either Forgive or Forget"

Jasmine says back making a group hug gesture as we all joined.

"Enough mushy shit I wanna go shopping."

-Lily added.

"Can anyone say Daddy Credit Cards.!"

Everyone just laughed...

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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