Chapter 7

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"Actually, you know what? My father was a bit discourteous, and I'll commiserate with you. I would like to offer my services as an apology."

"What does that mean?" Willy whispers to Noodle. "Uhh..." "It means he was rude and I'd like to help you."

"Oh, really?" The little girl- Noodle, I think it was- says sceptically. "Yes. I would. What would I have to do?"

A smile lit Willy's face. As for Noodle, well, she looked... Surprised? She didn't look exactly thrilled that I was tagging along, nor that Willy let me.

"Help me sell all this chocolate!" He pulls out a jar from his hat with about as much chocolate as it takes to feed a dog. Aka, none. (Don't feed your dogs chocolate, it's bad for them)

"Well done. You worked so hard," I clapped. Turns out he can't read sarcasm very well. "Why thank you, Miss Fickleguber!" "There's nothing in the jar, stupid," I snapped. Jesus Christ, this boy is an idiot.

He looked at the jar himself. "Oh, no." He covered his pretty face with his hand. "I don't know how to tell you this, girls. But they've been stolen."

"Who by?" Noodle asked. "The little orange man with green hair, of course."

The alley went silent. The little orange man with what? "Pardon?" "The little orange man with green hair." "Tell me you're joking." "Why would I be joking, Miss Fickleguber?"

Because out of all the ways anything could go missing, of course it was a little orange man with green hair. Is this what grown men talk about nowadays?

"Did I not tell you about him?" "No, ya didn't," Noodle said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"He's about yey high, comes in the dead of night, and takes all my chocolate!" "Right..." I repeated for the third time that day.

"Sometimes I watch him in that strange realm twix' sleep and wake, green hair glinting in the moonlight..."

I knew only crazy people took this road...

"I will catch him one day, girls, you watch," he murmured, staring down at his hands. "Uh, Wonka?" I said, failing to get his attention. "And when I do..."

This boy is a madman.

"What are you even saying?" I yelled, slapping him across the face. "Ow! You slap as hard as your dad's handshakes..." "You don't really expect us to believe you, do you?"

"Well, of course I do! What other explanation is there?" "That, you know, there is no 'little orange man'?" I folded my arms. "That could always be a possibility. I don't see anyone coming around to steal my chocolate."

"Cause' it's not nearly as good! Why would he steal it?" Noodle spat. "So you admit that there's a little green man?"

She stared with a mixture of frustration and speechlessness. Nice try, street urchin.

"Orange man, green hair," Willy corrected. We both stared, dumbfounded. "Stop wasting my time with fairytales! You know what would happen if Miss Scrubbit found out about this?" Noodle yelled. "Who's Miss Scrubbit?"

"She's the lady who runs a wash house called 'Scrubbit and Bleacher's'. She kidnaps people and holds them under debts. He was 'welcomed in' a few days ago and I've been there my whole life," Noodle sighed. She almost cracked, but vulnerability never lasts long. "So be grateful, you rich spoilt brat!"

"I guess that's what I am to useless poor freaks, so I suppose I'll let it slide." "Poor useless freak?" "No, no, it's okay, sweetie. You poor under-educated street urchin! You must be so sad!" "You love being petty, don't you?"

W went back and forth until Willy cried, "look, I'm sorry, okay? But it's fine, all we need is some milk!"

Third person

The girls stopped yelling over the top of eacother. "Finally something normal came out of your mouth," Melrose sighed, grabbing a bottle of milk by the doorstep. "Melrose! You can't do that!" Willy shouted, taking the milk out of her hand. "And why is that?" "A) that's stealing. And C) I use giraffe milk."

"Of course you do!" Noodle banged her head against the wall. Melrose took a step closer. "Mr. Wonka, I have lived in the chocolate industry my entire life, and not once have I heard the phrase "giraffe milk" used as an ingredient, or even at all." "Well, you're doing it wrong."

"I am one of the most famous chocolatiers in the world, don't you tell me how to do it!" It was Willy's turn to take a step. "Please, darling, call me Willy." They was so close, their noses were practically touching.

"Um, there's a giraffe at the zoo," Noodle suggested before they could get any closer. Only now realising how close they were, Melrose jumped back. "Oh, uh, good idea."

With a sceptical glare from Noodle, a sassy eye-roll from Melrose and a piece of chocolate that apparently makes people drunk from Willy, off they went to the zoo.

816 words
I've realised I'm only really writing this story as a means of procrastination. I have 4 assignments due on Monday. I could be finishing them, but of course I'd rather sit here and write a fanfiction about a movie about a cute chocolatier who can't read. :)
- Amelia

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20 ⏰

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