Chapter 6

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It's the girl from the other day, Fickleguber's daughter! I'm so happy I caught her! But now that I have her attention, I realised I didn't know what else to say.

I want to talk but my mouth isn't mouthing and my words aren't wording. I just stare at her pretty face- her very confused and judgy pretty face.

"What are you doing? You know who that is, right?" Noodle whispers beside me. "One of you ENEMIES DAUGHTERS?" "Noodle, I don't have enemies," I ended simply.

"Hello, Miss Fickleguber!" "Mr. Wonka? What on earth are you doing here?" Was her tone always this harsh?

"Call me Willy, please darling. This is my friend, Noodle." "Uh-huh. Cool story. But that doesn't answer my question!" Oh, come on! Girls usually fall for that!

"Oh! What we're doing here, well... Uh..." I wanted to explain our plan, but than again, her father is, as Noodle said before, one of my enemies. But, as I said in return, enemies aren't a thing in my mind. And besides, she's not the enemy.

"We're selling chocolate!"


Oh my god. Has he learned NOTHING from Miss Scrubbit? I fully expected her to run off to her little rich daddy, but she didn't. She just looks us up and down, judgementally.

She had a dark emerald green dress on, to match her father's stupid business, with sparkling accessories. If it wasn't real silver, it had diamonds instead. She was basically calling me 'poor' in 17,000 languages.

"Selling chocolate?" "Yep!" Willy trusts people way too much.

"Aw, how cute," she says prettily, like we're 7 years old and opening a lemonade stand.

"It's what you do for a living!" I yell. "It's different, sweetheart." "I get it. You just don't want us to interfere with your dumb little business."

"I wouldn't call it 'dumb' or 'little', personally, considering, you know, we're billionaires, but whatever you say," she smirked. "We have power. We've made laws specifically for people like you. Did you not see what happened last time? The police. You can get arrested for doing this stuff, you know. And all thanks to my family's 'dumb little business'. The greedy beat the needy, love. That's just the way of the world."

She stared at me, waiting for a response. I refused to give her one. But Willy the idiot didn't. "We don't even need to let them find out!" He exclaimed, not entirely getting her point. "Right..."

"Especially with you on our side, this should be easy!" "Hold on, since when was I on your side?"

"You aren't helping us?" "Pft, no. Why would someone like me help someone like... You?" She scoffed. The spit of her father, this girl is. "I don't have time for this."

"Oh, ok. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to. Sorry for wasting your time, Miss Fickleguber." "Yeah, be sorry," she sneered, strutting off. Rich. Spoiled. Brat.


'Help him.' what a joke. I could make a better joke though... My dad's always calling me useless, I could gain some trust in him. I could 'help' them and give all that information away to him. Is it selfish? Sure. But if the shoe fits, wear it, and he's giving me the perfect opportunity right now.

613 words
Heyyyy!!! How'd you like that one? There was actually another version of this chapter. I liked the story in that one, but it ran too far off the real plot. And I think this one shows her motives and personality better.
- Amelia

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