Chapter 5

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"Melrose!" I heard my father call. "Yes, father?" He looked at me up and down. "Don't smile, it'll give you wrinkles." I nod and put on a straight face.

"I will be out at work all day, coming home at exactly 12, I expect you to be asleep." I nodded again.

"You are not to leave this house, if I see you outside, there will be consequences. Do you understand?" "Yes, father." He nodded and escorted himself out. That doesn't sound too hard.

I sat on my bed again and picked up a book.

"Melrose?" Said a woman 30 minutes later, poking her head through the door. "Miss Bon-Bon." I greeted my father's secretary with a nod. "Do you know where the account book is? The red one?"

"In the store office." "I've checked there already. Perhaps you showed me?"

I was about to tell her that I can't leave, but knowing Miss Bon-Bon, she would border up my door and windows. Besides, what harm could simply going to the shop I owned do?

"There you go, Miss Bon-Bon." "Thank you very much, darling."

I went home through the back path. If I'm ever going somewhere, I use the back path so I don't get seen. Hardly anyone goes through there, except for the weirdos of course. Case and point– the girl talking to a laundry cart. "You can come out now."

I tried to dodge her before she confuses me for the laundry. I'm just about to turn around the corner and call myself safe, when someone calls after me.

"Hey, wait!" Oh, great. Another tourist to ask for a free piece of chocolate or have me sign something. But it wasn't a tourist at all. It was probably worse. I spin around to see the one and only: Willy Wonka.

Another chapter done! Anyway, see you in the next one, byee!!!
- Amelia

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