Chapter 13: Medieval Insight

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Skylar clenched his jaw, his fingers trembling as he summoned another surge of chi energy. An electrifying, golden bolt formed in his palm before he launched it at the star barrier once more. The energy collided with the shimmering iridescence, but the barrier absorbed it effortlessly, its rainbow hues rippling like water before settling back into place. It was maddening, infuriating. He spun, unleashing his frustration with a mighty strike of his staff against the barrier, but once again, it refused to yield.

"Dammit," Skylar growled.

He could feel exhaustion digging its claws into him, seeping into every muscle and tendon until even the act of standing felt like a battle. The pulse of his recent healing still tingled under his skin, mingling with the grating ache of overexertion. Every ounce of strength had drained from him, leaving him hollow and ragged from the repeated, futile attacks. His body finally gave out, and he slumped to the floor, panting heavily. The cold stone beneath him was a welcome contrast to the heat wafting from his sweat-drenched skin.

He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, cursing Jaden under his breath. "Stubborn brat," he uttered. "You're just as annoying as Adam."

He let his head fall back against the cool wall, eyes closing for a brief moment as he tried to catch his breath. The room was quiet, save for the weak chime of the star barrier that continued to trap him, illuminating gently, mocking him. Skylar wondered how long he'd be stuck here. He didn't have time for this—he had a mission, a purpose, and Jaden was standing in his way.

But before he could fall deeper into his thoughts, the lull was interrupted by the sound of shuffling footsteps outside. Skylar's eyes snapped open just in time to see the door swing open, revealing a thin figure with auburn waves framing his face. The newcomer paused, taking in the sight of the fist-shaped dent on the door.

"Teddy," Skylar mumbled, exhaling roughly. He wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or annoyed by the intrusion. "Great. Just what I needed," he added sarcastically.

Teddy McKnight blinked, his bright blue eyes moving from the dent to the barrier and finally to Skylar slumped on the floor. The pale, soft lines of his face lent him a boyish charm, but the raised eyebrow suggested something shrewder, more perceptive. His confusion morphed into genuine concern. "Uh, did I miss something? Why does it look like my door had a run-in with a sledgehammer, and why are you sitting in a rainbow forcefield?" He tilted his head, auburn locks falling slightly across his forehead as he moved closer. "Wait, is this... is this Jaden's handiwork?"

Skylar sighed, dragging his hands over his face in frustration. "Yeah, genius, you've got it. Your roommate went all Hogwarts on me," he stated. "And don't ask me how to get out because I have no idea. Been trying for over an hour now."

Teddy crouched down, examining the barrier more closely. "Jaden never mentioned he could create something this complex. Then again, he's always been full of surprises." He glanced back at Skylar, a hint of mirth dancing in his eyes. "You must have really pissed him off."

Skylar scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm the one who's the problem here. Never mind the fact that he's the one who's decided to trap me like some sort of circus animal!"

Teddy didn't respond immediately. Instead, he reached out a hand, hovering it just above the barrier's surface. He could feel the vibration of starlight energy radiating from it, balmy and oddly serene. "It's actually quite beautiful," he murmured. "Jaden's magic... it's like there's more than raw power behind it. It's deliberate, almost like he's weaving together a story with every spell."

"Spare me the poetry," Skylar exclaimed, thumping the back of his head against the wall. "Just get me out of here."

Teddy straightened up and folded his arms over his chest. "I shouldn't get involved. If Jaden cast this, it means he's serious about keeping you here." He paused, studying Skylar with a more earnest expression. "What's the story? Why did he feel the need to put you on magical lockdown?"

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