Chapter 4: Lights Amidst The Dark

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For the rest of the week, I hung out with Izuku and his friends, and it was so much more fun than with my old ones. I learnt even more about them, and I definitely felt more heard with them. Each day, Kaminari, Ashido and Sero kept trying to talk to me during class, but I ignored them, instead going over and working with Izuku. Even Bakugo was trying to talk to me, but I ignored his angry yells until he got yelled at by Aizawa-sensei. Actually, every time any of my old friends tried to talk to me, Aizawa either told them I was busy, or asked them to go do something else. They stopped after a while, and I could breathe a little easier.

On Sunday, I was out with the Dekusquad (that's what we call ourselves) when my phone started to ring unexpectedly. Since we were eating lunch, I excused myself and went to take the call. Until I read the caller ID. 


I forgot to block his number, and I sighed. I decided to take the call, to have one last chat before he was blocked.

"The fuck do you want, Bakugo? I'm hanging out with my friends."

"Yeah, shitty Deku and his stupid fucking friends. What the fuck did we do to you? Why are you ignoring us?"

"I told you, just like last Monday, when I had to leave the class fucking crying. Think about what you say to your 'friends'."

"The fuck does that mean!? What did we say for you to go all crybaby and leave us!?"

I sighed through the phone. "I'm done talking to your stupid ass. Leave me and my fucking friends alone, Bakugo. We aren't friends anymore." I hung up before I could hear him scream at me, and finally blocked his number. I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself before going back to the group. "Who called you?" Tsu asked. "It was Bakugo. I forgot to block his number and he was questioning me on why I left him and his friends." The group nodded in understanding, and we went back to eating lunch and talking about random topics.

We got back to the dorms after a while, making a bit of noise as we came back. Ochako tapped my arm twice, which is a little thing we came up with that told me my old friends were near us. We all split off to go to our dorms and I walked with Ochako since our dorms were on the same floor. I waved her good night and I went into my dorm, closing and locking the door. It was a precaution I made so none of my old friends, especially Bakugo, came into my dorm to question me. I sighed, feeling happy after a good day, and went to go sit on my bed. 

Unsurprisingly, there was another letter, and I smiled even more. Opening the note, I read through it and marveled at the poetic-ness of it.

Dear Kirishima,

Over the week, I was getting even more happy to see your smile coming back after the shitshow on Monday. I'm so glad to hear that you had dropped your shitty friends.

Each day you spent away from them, I could see the sparkle in your eyes slowly come back after being absolutely destroyed by those fucktards, and your smile got brighter each time a good person made you smile. I could see the darkness that clouded your head slowly go away each day, and the insecurities I could sense you had being washed by the brightness of your new friends.

I want you to keep that brightness with you, to keep the light when times feel dark, to show you that every always turns out alright. Because you deserve that light. When I'm ready, I'll be that light for you. 

As always, I love you so much, Kiri. 


I felt like I was in tears after reading that, because this was most beautiful thing someone had written to me. I held it close for a bit before putting it with the rest of the notes. I got up and went to have a shower, coming back to bed and scrolling through my phone until I fell asleep.

I love Zumi, and I love my friends. They're my bright lights in my dark life.

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