Chapter 5: Almost

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Some days, the words my old friends were saying about me would get to my head and nothing could stop it. No matter how many times I read through Zumi's notes, my insecurities got the better of me. Aizawa let me take those days off because he knew I wouldn't be able to handle it around other people. He is definitely my favourite teacher.

I was having one of those days again, and I was moping around my dorm when someone knocked on my door. I really didn't want to talk to anyone, so I just yelled out that I was busy. They knocked again, and even tried to open my door, but since it's always locked, it failed to open. I got up and cracked the door slightly, seeing that it was Kaminari. I sighed angrily and went to close the door on him, but he kept it open with his foot. "Eiji-" "It's Kirishima. Only my friends can call me by my first name," I interrupted him, talking in a spiteful tone.

He looked destroyed, but I could care less. "Kirishima, what did we do to you? Why are you ignoring us?" He asked, frantically speaking. I stepped outside my door, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't know, maybe it's because when I told only Ashido about the love notes, she insulted me and told me I'm not the kind of guy to get them. Also, she went and told you guys without my permission about them, and you all insulted my looks. You guys destroyed my fucking confidence for no fucking reason, other than what could be jealousy. But I know it wasn't, and you guys were just calling me ugly to my face with no remorse at all. You laughed at me. I can't believe I thought you guys were my friends," I finished speaking, the tone in my voice growing harsher with each sentence.

Kaminari looked heartbroken. "Look, we were just joking, it wasn't meant to be taken to heart-" he started before I interrupted again. "You think it's funny to joke about someone's appearance in front of them? Or even at all?" I scoffed, shaking my head disapprovingly, "You guys are the lowest of low." I turned and walked back into my dorm, slamming the door in Kaminari's face before he could talk any more. I locked it for safety, and breathed out a deep shaky breath. I did not need to see him on a day like this.

I forced myself to go down for dinner, sitting with Izuku and the like as always. They could tell I wasn't in a good mood, so they didn't mind I wasn't chatting like I usually was and asked me every few minutes if I was okay. I loved them so much. When dinner ended, we all sat in the common room to watch a movie Momo suggested. I sat on the ground in a beanbag next to Izuku and Tsuyu. 

Although I loved all of my new friends, and I consider them my best friends, I was definitely closer to Izuku and Tsu. Me and Tsu sit next to each other in class, so we get some chances to talk to each other and learn about each other when we can, but I've known Izuku a bit longer than the rest of them, so I definitely consider him as my #1 best friend. A bit later in the movie, Jirou came and joined us, and I didn't really mind. She apologised for our old friends' words and said she wasn't friends with them anymore because of that, and I thanked her and accepted the apology.

After the movie ended, Ochako and I walked back to our dorms as we always did, when Ashido stopped us in the hallway. My mood dropped instantly, and so did Ochako's. "The fuck do you want, Mina?" She spat to the other girl, who could give less of a shit about her. "You're such a fucking crybaby, Kirishima. We said a few little things about you and you go all fucking dramatic and cry to Aizawa." Ouch. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes as she spoke, but I kept my face the same. "And you wonder why I didn't be friends with you anymore," I muttered under my breath, starting to walk to my dorm wing. I could hear Ochako defending me to her, but I didn't want to look back. 

I locked my door again and sat against it, letting the tears fall again. I fucking hated her, why does she always find a way to fuck up my day? I sat there for a while, quietly crying to myself. There was a knock at my door, and I sat up and wiped the tears away. I opened the door slightly and noticed that there wasn't anyone there, except a note on the ground. I looked around to see who left it, but I couldn't see anything. I was so close to finding out who it was.

I grabbed the note and went back inside my dorm, locking it again. I had gotten another love note, but I didn't have the energy to read it right now. I put it with the other notes and laid down on my bed, going to sleep. What a shit day.

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