Chapter 3: Better Friends

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I could barely make it through the day after that, to the point I was called up to Aizawa-sensei during study. "Kirishima, you've been off all day. Your other teachers told me you weren't focusing in class, and you haven't been talking in our hero classes like you usually do. What's up?" I was barely able to keep in my tears, and I felt like people were staring at me. "C-can we talk about this outside?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly. He nodded, and we stepped outside our classroom.

The windows to the hallway were closed, so no one could see me break down. He looked at me with concern in his eyes, and I cried. I let out all of my feelings to him, how my 'friends' called me ugly and how they didn't believe me about the notes. It felt good to get it all off my chest. He let me hug him afterwards, and it calmed me down a bit. "I'm sorry that it happened. You shouldn't be friends with them if they're casually saying things like that to you. Do you want me to talk to them about it?" "Uh, n-no. I don't want them to get mad at me for 'telling on them'." He nodded his head. "Alright. I'm gonna let you grab your stuff and go to the dorms, I'll excuse you for the rest of the day."

I smiled and thanked him, before grabbing everything and walking to my locker. It wasn't to put things away, it was to check if the writer put another note there. Sure enough, there was. I smiled softly and grabbed it, putting it into my pocket. I walked back over to the dorms and flopped onto my bed, sighing even harder. It was too much of a long day, and I just wanted to sleep. But I made the effort and showered again to calm myself, before changing into my pajamas and laying on my bed again. I opened the letter and read through it, smiling again.

Dear Kirishima,

You looked upset all day, and I wanted to comfort you so badly. I could hear in homeroom how your so-called friends were talking about you, and I desperately wanted to comfort you. But I couldn't, and I feel so bad. I wanted to scream, to tell them how wrong they are, to kiss you and remind you you aren't what they say.

I hope you know that they are completely wrong, you aren't ugly. You are so beautiful, I could just think of you and I'd get flustered. I mean, I was while writing this, but that doesn't matter. I love you so much, and I need you to know that they don't matter. Their opinion of you sucks, and you shouldn't listen to them. You shouldn't even be friends with them if they're treating you like that and laughing about it. 

Anyway, I had to write this in a rush before anyone caught me, but I love you so much. As you know, I can't tell you who I am.


My face was as red as my hair when I finished re-reading it. I put with the others and laid back fully on my bed, thinking of it. Now I know that the writer is in my class, but not who. I know it's not one of my friends, that's pretty easy to guess, but that doesn't really get rid of a lot of people in my class.

It must've been a while of me thinking, because I heard banging on my door suddenly. I got up and opened the door partially, seeing that it was Bakugo and the rest of them. Great. Just who I wanted to see after this morning. "Why did you leave class? And why were you crying like a damn pussy?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes. "Quite frankly, I don't give a shit if you care or not, because it's none of your fucking business. How about you fucking think of how you talk to your friends before you come talk to me." I slammed the door in their faces and locked, breathing out a shaky breath.

That felt good, to talk to them like that. I could hear them rioting outside, knocking on my door like crazy and asking why I was being a bitch. I could give less of a shit, they are definitely not my friends anymore.

I went back to my bed and chilled for a while until it was time for dinner, and I sighed. I knew if I went out everyone would be questioning my newfound attitude to my 'friends', but if I didn't I wouldn't eat. I just decided to go and ignore everyone's questions, and instead sit with Midoriya and his friends. I arrived at the dinner table and ignored my old friends' questions, sitting down at the other end of the table with Midoriya. I didn't know many of his friends, so I just sat next to him. 

The dinner was a lot more fun with him and his friends, they seemed to talk about a lot of tamer stuff and the occasional rant on heroes from Midoriya. I actually really liked talking with them, and I managed to learn about them a bit better. After dinner ended, I helped clean up with Iida and Momo, before saying good night and going up to my room. I laid down and smiled to myself, appreciating not getting yelled at for no reason by Bakugo.

I like Midoriya and his friends. I think I'd rather hang out with them from now on.

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