Chapter 1 - The Spark That Ignited....

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Shaun Kapoor was the kind of boy every girl talked about in hushed, excited whispers when he walked by. With his tousled dark hair, a jawline that seemed to be carved out of stone, and eyes that always glinted with mischief, he carried himself with the confidence of someone who knew his effect on people. A natural extrovert, he had a laugh that could light up a room and an easy, flirtatious charm that made him the center of attention everywhere he went. His popularity was legendary at St. Xavier's College, one of Mumbai's most prestigious institutions, and his reputation as the most desirable boy on campus was well-earned. Shaun excelled in everything he did, be it sports, academics, or socializing, but nothing captured his interest more than soccer.

It was on the soccer field that Sanya Mehta first noticed Shaun. She was sitting in the bleachers, her textbooks clutched to her chest as she watched the game unfold. Sanya wasn't the kind of girl who attended soccer matches—she preferred spending her free time in the library or working on her latest design projects. She was in her second year of fashion design, known more for her intelligence and reserved nature than her social life. Petite and delicate, with deep brown eyes that spoke volumes and long, wavy hair that framed her face, Sanya had an unassuming beauty that didn't seek attention but effortlessly drew it nonetheless.

As Shaun sprinted across the field, his muscles rippling beneath his sweat-soaked jersey, something shifted in the air. The crowd's cheers grew louder, and there was an electric energy that seemed to pulse through the field. Shaun was in his element, effortlessly dodging defenders, his confidence and agility making him an unstoppable force. But for one fleeting second, his gaze flickered toward the stands, and his eyes locked with Sanya's.

Sanya felt her heart skip a beat. It was as if time had slowed, the chaos of the game melting away until it was just the two of them in that moment. Shaun's lips curved into a slow, confident smile, and Sanya felt a warmth spread through her, leaving her breathless. For the first time in her life, she understood what people meant when they talked about sparks flying.

It was Shaun who made the first move, naturally. As soon as the game ended, he sauntered over to the bleachers, towel slung over his shoulder, sweat glistening on his skin. There was a swagger in his step that made it clear he was used to being admired. But there was something about Sanya that made him pause. She wasn't like the other girls who threw themselves at him; she was different—calm, poised, and unapproachable.

"Enjoying the game?" he asked, leaning in closer than necessary, his grin infectious.

Sanya felt her cheeks flush. "I... uh, don't usually watch soccer."

"Well, you picked a great day to start," he replied with a wink. "I'm Shaun, by the way."

"Sanya," she replied, her voice barely a whisper.

"You know, you have this look about you," Shaun continued, undeterred by her shyness. "Like you're judging me for sweating this much. I promise I don't always look this terrible."

Sanya couldn't help but laugh. "You don't look terrible."

Shaun's eyes lit up, and in that moment, Sanya knew she was in trouble. "See, now you're just saying that to make me feel better."

"I'm not!" she protested, but Shaun just chuckled.

"Well, how about this, Sanya? Since you clearly know nothing about soccer, why don't I take you out and show you around campus? You know, give you a proper tour. I promise not to sweat on you."

Sanya looked at him, a thousand thoughts racing through her mind. She was a reserved girl, always the one who stayed in the background, the one who observed rather than participated. But there was something about Shaun's energy, his confidence, that pulled her in like a magnet. Before she could stop herself, she nodded.

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