Chapter 3 - A break-up...

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The party surged with energy, a vivid tapestry of laughter, music, and dancing bodies. Yet, amidst the joy and celebration, a storm brewed quietly between Shaun and Sanya. As the night wore on, Shaun found himself gravitating toward the center of the action, his flirtatious nature emerging like a moth drawn to a flame.

With Sanya momentarily occupied at the bar, Shaun chatted with a group of girls who had gathered near the DJ booth, their laughter ringing like bells in the air. He leaned against the railing, a confident grin plastered across his face as he effortlessly bantered back and forth, his charm on full display.

"Look at you guys," Shaun said, his tone light and playful. "If I had known this party would be filled with such gorgeous girls, I would have shown up much earlier."

The girls giggled, fluttering their eyelashes in a collective display of delight. They were captivated, hanging on his every word as he regaled them with stories from the soccer field, each tale punctuated by his signature wink. Shaun was in his element, a natural in the spotlight, exuding a magnetic energy that drew people in like moths to a flame.

From across the room, Sanya stood at the bar, a cocktail in hand, her heart sinking with every flirtatious laugh that echoed from the group. She felt a knot tighten in her stomach as she watched Shaun effortlessly charm the girls around him. It was as if he were completely oblivious to her presence, a fact that stung more than she anticipated.

Sanya's insecurities bubbled to the surface like a cauldron ready to boil over. She forced herself to focus on her drink, but the chatter grew louder, the laughter sharper, and she could see the way Shaun leaned into the girls, how his eyes sparkled with mischief as he exchanged playful nudges and teasing comments.

"Hey, beautiful," one of the girls said, brushing her hand against Shaun's arm, her touch lingering a second too long. "What's your name again?"

"Shaun," he replied with a roguish grin. "And you're lucky I remembered yours, Sarah. Don't think I'll let you off that easily."

The group erupted in laughter, and Sanya's heart sank further. She had seen this side of Shaun before—the irresistible flirt who couldn't resist the attention of other girls. It was part of his charm, part of why she had fallen for him, but tonight, it felt different. It felt as though he was flaunting it in front of her, and the more she watched, the more it twisted her insides.

Sanya took a deep breath, trying to quell the rising tide of jealousy. She needed to confront him, to pull him away from the crowd and remind him of their bond. But as she made her way toward him, the weight of her footsteps felt heavier, each step a reminder of her insecurity.

Just as she reached the group, a playful giggle erupted from the girls. Shaun was in the middle of a joke, gesturing animatedly, his expression animated and carefree. Sanya stood back, a part of her wanting to burst through the crowd and reclaim his attention, but another part of her hesitated. It felt wrong to interrupt his fun, but it also felt wrong to stand by while he flirted with someone else.

"Shaun," Sanya called out, her voice barely rising above the music.

He turned, his face lighting up with a broad smile when he spotted her. "Sanya! Come join us!"

His casual invitation was like a dagger to her heart. She had expected him to drop everything and rush to her side, not to include her in his game of flirtation.

"No, I'm good," she replied, forcing a smile as she stood her ground. "I just wanted to talk to you for a second."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that," he said, a hint of teasing in his voice as he leaned closer to the girls, almost as if trying to showcase their interaction. "We're just having a little fun here."

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