Mia's addiction

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T.W⚠️:Smoking,self harm,suicide mentions.

Charlottes POV: Mia was outside smoking again. I mean she's addicted she started with autumn and Reece In their teens so I guess she can't help it much she's been doing since she was 11. I don't like it it's disgusting but I can't tell her what to do.

Mia's POV:I know char dosent like it when I smoke but I needed a cigarette today was very stressful I can't take much anymore it's not okay my mental health has taken a toll recently I don't know what u did to deserve it but clearly something. I hadn't been self harming or smoking weed. I've only been smoking cigarettes when I have bad days. When I was a teenager I tried to kill myself but I don't want to die I'm just not okay. I always think about relapsing but I never do I'm so proud of myself it's been 8 months since I last self harmed. Char was calling me in for tea she ordered us domino's as she could tell I had a bad day. I don't know what I would do without this woman she is truly my forever person. We we're going to bed but char insisted on getting changed in the bathroom instead of in our room and she wasn't wearing her regular pyjamas she was warring normal clothes I don't know why but i was extremely worried. I was so worried. I couldn't stop feeling worried about her I rang Marjorie and she said to keep an eye on her and she and autumn will do the same. I was so worried I relapsed for the fist time in 8 months I had come so far but I relapsed again. I was so disappointed in myself why did I have to relapse especially in an obvious place on my wrist 4 cuts just next to each-other on my wrist that's so obvious I'm going to have to wear a jumper or something but I never wear anything with longs sleeves not even in winter I didn't know what to do but I decided I would just wear a hoodie. We woke up the next morning and char went back into the bathroom to get dressed I'm getting worried. I out my shorts and hoodie and char asked why I was wearing a hoodie as it wasn't usual I panicked and said it was cold which was stupid as it was like 30 degrees. She looked at me strangely and said it's 30 degrees you can't be cold she asked if I was feeling okay I said yes but I should have said no I told her to go to work as she was going to be late but she was also wearing long sleeves. I'm getting extremely worried now could she be self harming. I didn't want to assume the worst but that's all I could think. I called Marjorie and told her to keep an eye on her throughly she said she would as char hasn't been herself lately. When char had left for work I had a cheeky cigarette as I was so stressed. I got a call from Marjorie to pick char up as she fainted at work this was unlike her so it also worried me but she hadn't been felling well last night so it made some sort of sense. I picked her up she said she was going to get into her pyjamas and go to sleep for a bit I said okay. I thought she'd went in the upstairs bathroom so I went to pop to the loo in the downstairs toilet but I walked in on her shirtless with cuts all down her arm I immediately walked out and sat on the sofa I didn't know what to do I felt so bad. Was it me? What was going on? Was it the parents? Was it me? Was it me ? Was it me? The question repeated in my head the a train on circular tracks.

Charlottes POV: I was getting changed when Mia walked in I knew I should have went upstairs she walked in and looked at me looked down and saw my arms them immediately walked out. I don't know what to do. Does she hate me now? What if she's disappointed? What was she thinking of me? Does she hate me now ? Does she hate me now? Does she hate me now? The question repeating in my head like a train on circular tracks.

759 words x
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