Day 20

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Camila doesn't know if she can go much longer without claiming Lauren again. The whole time they were out yesterday, Camila wanted to take her home and fuck her.

She's still not one hundred percent sure if Lauren is serious about being together yet, so until she's sure, Camila will not allow it to go any further.

She wants to, god she really wants to. She was the one who was always pleasuring Lauren, so she's a little sexually frustrated.

She has nothing wrong with Lauren not touching her, she likes giving pleasure more than receiving, but Lauren is just so sexy and it makes her horny all day long.

Speaking of sexy, Lauren walks in from the bathroom in just a bra and her thong.

Camila can't help but stare hungrily at the older girl and drag her bottom lip into her mouth to bite on it. Lauren bends down in search of clothes and Camila gets a full view of her ass and barely covered center.

They won't sleep together, but that doesn't mean Camila can't tease the green eyed girl.

Camila stands up and stalks slowly to Lauren so she's not detected. When she's close enough she presses the front of her body to Lauren's back and starts attacking her neck with open mouthed kisses.

Lauren jumps at first, but soon relaxes and leans into the kisses Camila is giving her neck with a pleasurable sigh.

Camila pulls Lauren so she's standing straight up and moves her hands to cup Lauren over her bra. Lauren gasps and arches her breasts into Camila's palm.

The brown eyed girl finds Lauren's pulse point and attaches to it, knowingly leaving a mark.

"Oh, fuck," Camila hears Lauren sigh out.

Camila turns the other girl around and they smash their lips together roughly. They don't waste any time and their tongues meet together.

Camila's hands find Lauren's ass and kneads it roughly while Lauren's hands tangle themselves into Camila's hair. 

Realizing it's going too far, Camila breaks off the kiss and takes a step back, looking at the older girl. Lauren still has her eyes shut and when she realizes that Camila moved away, she opens her eyes and looks at her pleadingly.

"Please, Camila. You can't leave me like this," she takes a step towards Camila and tries to kiss her, but Camila steps back another step.

"Patience, baby girl," Camila says before she smiles and walks into the bathroom to shower.

Once Camilas in the bathroom, she realizes she forgot clothes, but smirks when she gets the brilliant idea to tease Lauren even more.

She showers quickly and dries herself off as best she could before she walks out completely naked.

She spots Lauren on the bed, but doesn't acknowledge her, but she does hear Lauren mutter an, "oh lord, help me."

Camila walks over to her suitcase and bends down like Lauren had earlier and was expecting Lauren to copy her actions earlier, but she never did.

The younger girl looked over her shoulder and saw Lauren laying on the bed staring straight at her ass with her legs pushed together. Her face was bright red and her eyes were a few shades darker.

"Baby, can you help me find some clothes? I want you to pick my outfit today," Camila says, still looking over her shoulder.

Camila's questions fall to deaf ears and Camila is proud that she can get Lauren this hot and bothered.

"Lauren?" She tries again.

"Uh huh?" Lauren asks dreamily.

"Come here and help me find clothes," Camila says.

Lauren takes a few moments to move, but eventually she's walking over to the brown eyed girl.

"What are you trying to do to me?" Lauren asks.

Camila stands up straight and faces Lauren. "What are you talking about?" She freigns confusion.

Lauren doesn't say anything and just digs through Camila's clothes and pulls out an outfit and gently hands them to Camila.

"Thank you, babe," Camila plants an innocent kiss onto Lauren's mouth before starting to get dressed.

They get their stuff around and eat breakfast while Lauren stays silent, still flustered from everything that happened this morning.

Pretty soon they're in the car and making it to a trampoline park in a well known city in Ohio. Halfway through the short drive, Lauren snaps out of her daze and she grabs Camila's hand as they sing along together to the radio.

They pull into the parking lot and Lauren hurries around the car to open the passenger seat door for Camila. The younger girl quietly thanks her and they walk side by side into the building. 

The two of them go to the front desk and pay the money. The lady tells them some reasonable rules to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

Lauren and Camila find an empty trampoline before taking off their shoes and climbing onto the huge surface.

Camila had always wanted to go to a huge trampoline park like this one, but growing up, her family never had money, then she became famous and never had time. She is super grateful that she's getting to experience this with Lauren.

The smaller girl jumped around and was feeling confident and attempted to do a backflip. She failed horribly and almost snapped her neck.

Seeing, Lauren rushed over to Camila and helped her up. "What happened?"

"I was trying to do a backflip," Camila pouted.

"Let me teach you. My dad taught me how when I was really young."

Camila was still scared she was going to break her neck and die, so she tried to refuse, but Lauren was very persistent.

Eventually Camila gave in and let Lauren try to teach her. Lauren would have her jump until she was high enough, then she would place one hand over Camilas ribs and the other on the back of her thighs and guide her through.

The first time she did it, with Lauren's help of course, she giggled and asked for Lauren to help her again.

Lauren helped her a few more times before Lauren said she thought she was ready to do it on her own. The first time was a failure, but the second time she was successful.

In her happiness, she crashed into Lauren for a hug and was about to lean in to kiss Lauren, but caught herself and kissed her cheek instead.

Two hours passed and Camila spent the entire time doing backflips.

The two of them were completely exhausted and decided to just get lunch before heading back to the hotel.

Words: 1096

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