Two: TV Troubles

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AN: Fun fact: The following One Shot bore this collection/AU.

I wrote this to rant about the TV market, hence why this is set in today's day and age and not the more accurate 2004. I am looking for a TV in my budget that fits into my room – as in literally fitting in - and has HDR10. And maybe a resolution higher than Full HD but the HDR and size is more important right now. UHD\4K would be nice, though.

By the time I finished writing this – yes, I needed multiple days for this short One Shot – I found a near perfect one. Could use a bit more HDMI ports, though. It has a QLED panel, which I prefer over OLED. Doesn't burn in like OLED, is cheaper and is better in bright rooms, like my room. OLED's not handy for me. Also, fuck Roku.

Yeah, we got an FHD TV. I am sure we ordered a UHD TV, but this one has HDR10, so I stop complaining. Not like I can switch back to the 4K one in the living room if downgrading the resolution bother me that much.

Not to mention, as my TV will mainly see video game action, most developers can't do 4K at stable 30FPS, let alone 4K at 60FPS, so a lower resolution may be better for a stable frame rate and good visual effects.

Ciao for now,


After learning of Ghost adoption, Danny and Vlad formed a sort of truce. Main goal of Danny being that ghosts like the Webs leave him alone. Vlad the while takes this as a chance to be better than Jack. For now.

Part of the plan that this works is that Plasmius checks up on Phantom a few times a week to make it appear that they're connected. Right now, he found Daniel on the Nasty Burger roof, turning pages in an electronics calalogue.

"Oh, why are you reading this?" he asked as he sat besides Danny.

"Mom and Dad allow me to get a new TV – Technus happened – as long as it is under 350." explained Daniel. "I am trying to find something."

"You can't get a good TV that cheap." he answered.

"I am not going to argue that, because I can't find a TV that requires my needs."

"Someones choosy." mocked him Vlad. "What are you looking for?"

"Something that fits into my room. Literally. Nothing bigger than 40". I am searching for one that has HDR10... and maybe a resolution higher than Full HD." listed Daniel, becoming more frustrated with each word. "So far, I found a 32" TV with HDR10 and 720p. I didn't even know 720p TVs still get made, let alone with HDR! I already gave up on finding one that isn't a Smart TV."

"Oh, that sounds like you have no luck." commented Vlad. "Ah yes, 'Dumb' TVs are really a dying breed. This is why my companies make TV's as well. Smart TVs are too much of a risk for our secret. I may have a TV that fits your demands."

"Really?" Daniel and him got along far better now, but Daniel can't help himself not to be skeptical.

Two weeks later, the TV arrived, being delivered by Vlad himself to the adult Fenton's surprise. Jazz was more surprised Danny managed to find TV that wasn't a smart TV.

"40", Ultra HD, HDR10, wow, five HDMI ports!" said Daniel excited as he read the technical details. "That really is a perfect TV!"

"Not really, it isn't smart." said his mother. "Albeit it is an OLED panel."

"Eh, those burn in." muttered Jazz. "And the size..."

"You pointed out more that 40 literally won't fit into my room." reminded her Daniel. He the said to Vlad. "Thank you very much, uncle Vlad."

"My pleasure, Daniel." replied Vlad.

Jack then asked, a bit unsure hearing the TV's features, "How much do we owe you for it?"

"300$, Jack." he answered.

"Just?" said Maddie perplexed. "I expected Danny had blown the limit we gave him."

"He didn't." he reassured her. "Now, may I ask why you decided to get the boy a new TV? His birthday isn't for a bit."

"Well... there was this ghost, Technus, who tried to take Danny into the ghost zone!" said Maddie angry yet worried. "We managed to fight him off, but we destroyed the TV and some other things. The TV is a replacement and to distract Danny from this.

Danny whispered to Vlad in Ghost, "Ghost Adoption Attempt."

"Well, I better install it in his room. That spot looked empty enough." stated Jack and carried the TV upstairs. His wife followed him after handing Vlad the 300$.

As they were out of earshot, Vlad told Danny, "Your ideas about a TV turned out to be a good new model for my line up. Most people get the Smart Variant, though." He then handed Daniel the 300$. "I don't need it, but keep it a secret."

"Sure thing." replied Danny.

His sister just commented, "You two, your relationship is so weird."

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