Five: Haunted Christmas

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It was that time of year again. The Christmas season. The worst time of the year when you're a Fenton. He can't be mad at Jazz for hiding out at her college and celebrating with her new beau. Luckily for him, he can find sanctuary at the yearly Christmas Truce of the Ghost Zone.

Unlike the last years, he spend more than a few customary minutes there, something Ember McLain noted. "Baby Pop! Are you staying here for once?"

"Yeah." he confirmed. "Is that weird?"

"A bit." she admitted. "Aren't you celebrating with your folks in the human world?"

"Eh, mom'n'dad don't really do Christmas and Jazz spends it at her college-" "Nerd." "-that nerd is my sister. I can't be mad at her, our parents really ruin the holiday with their manic obsession."

"Hehe, manic obsession."

"I walked into that one, didn't I?" he muttered. "Well, I still want to talk with the others - specifically Technus, that idiot - see you later!"


As she left, Daniel looked around the mass of ghosts, looking for one idiot when he saw Vlad in a corner, looking as miserable as Danny when he is going home, later on. He flew to Vlad and greeted him, "Hey, Fruity! Merry Christmas."

"Oh, since when is the holiday merry to you?" countered Vlad.

"Since becoming a halfa and being able to flee my parent's seasional obsession here." he answered.

"If you want you could spend Christmas with me." offered Vlad.

"Oh, old habits?"

"No. But you don't sound like going home."

Danny had to agree.

Danny: Mom! I'm at Vlad's. He's lonely today of all days and you and dad are busy, so...

At Vlad's, Danny was surprised to see that he bothered to decorate, even when it was this rich people decor that looks expensive but not necessarily pretty. For once, the Christmas tree was silvery white and nothing hang on it.

"Never thought you'll decorate like that." he commented.

"Oh, i did not. The maids have free range how to decorate." explained Vlad. He then walked to the tree and took a little box from under the tree. It was wrapped in white, so hard to miss under a white tree. He floated it to Danny with his powers. "For you, Daniel."

"Uh, thanks. Now I feel bad for not having anything for you." answered Danny, before opening the box. Wrapped in there was a phone.

"I think I broke your old phone in our last real fight." said Vlad. "Your company is enough, Daniel."

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