Eleven: Ghostly Dad

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The citizens of Amity Park tend to notice how the ghosts feel about each other in their fights. Some people even theorized ghosts socialize though fighting. The Doctors Fenton argued ghosts have no social structures. But even they noted when the Wisconsin Ghost and Phantom started to get along. It was clear their 'battles' were just sparring essentially.

This was confirmed on one rainy Thursday...

"Come on, Daniel. It makes no sense you are still so distanced from me." said Vlad while floating around him. "You have to admit I am a better parent."

"Seriously, father, that again?" said Danny annoyed, "Just let this topic die already. Ha, die."


Both ghosts froze. Looking around, they saw they had been filmed by Harriet Chan. The woman was an old college friend of Maddie and Vlad (Harriet never liked Jack) who became a news reporter. She moved to Amity Park a while ago, despite the ghosts. Or maybe because of the ghosts.

Harriet ran off, leaving the ghosts. "Should we be worried?" asked Danny.

Vlad was thinking. "Well, she looked like she had an idea for an article, but I am not sure what news she could write about us."

Mere days later, they read what she wrote. Harriet informed a few scientists, including doctors Fenton, that ghosts have familial bonds and of course that the Wisconsin ghost and Phantom are related. Any article just mentioning Phantom tends to sell better and reach more people.

Most of the scientists Harriet Chan talked considered their theories of ghostly familial bonds to be proven or more likely (one guy claimed ghosts don't realize other ghosts may be their relatives and just adopt other ghosts as new family, Vlad did not like that one). The doctors Fenton the while argued ghosts cannot have social structures of any kind. They claimed this was a hoax to gain empathy or something to trick the city or something.

"Daniel, you may have noted, but I want to mention it. I gave up on killing Jack. I dread if he may become a ghost." said Vlad, "Albeit a part of me wonders how he would react."

"Ah, this deadly curiosity." muttered Danny. "Thought I got it from mom."

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