ruin x aria

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Aria soared high above the city streets, her radiant wings shimmering in the sunlight. The cool breeze caressed her feathers, but even in the sky, she felt a weight pressing against her heart. The mission had gone south quickly. She wasn't supposed to be alone.

"Where is she?" Aria muttered to herself, scanning the streets below for Ruin. Her wings twitched in agitation, the sensitivity making it hard to focus. The halo above her head pulsed softly, reacting to her anxiety.

Down below, chaos reigned. Villains had taken over a building, and civilians were still trapped inside. Aria could see the flashes of quirks being used—flames, lightning, and shadowy tendrils engulfing the area. But still no sign of her partner.

Then, she heard it. A deep, feral growl.


Aria swooped down, her wings folding in close as she landed softly behind the tall figure of her companion. Ruin stood in front of her, growling at the approaching villains, her dark eyes glinting dangerously. Her brown hair, streaked with dirt from the fight, matched the fur slowly creeping over her arms and legs. The tips of her brown wolf ears twitched as she honed in on every sound, every scent. Ruin was ready for battle.

"You're late," Aria breathed, the tension in her shoulders melting just a little.

Ruin glanced back at her with a smirk. "Had to get a feel for the pack we're dealing with. These guys are nothing." Her voice was rough, but there was a familiar comfort in it.

Aria let out a soft sigh, her wings fluttering with relief. Even though she could hold her own, Ruin always brought a sense of safety with her. Dominant. Strong. Unshakeable.

"We need to get the civilians out," Aria said, stepping forward. Her wings spread wide, their glow intensifying as she prepared to take to the skies again. "I'll evacuate them. Can you handle the villains?"

Ruin's smirk grew into a grin, showing just a hint of her sharp canines. "I'll do more than handle them. Stay close, though. You know I don't like letting you out of my sight."

Aria felt her heart flutter at that. She knew Ruin was protective, but sometimes, her intense nature made her feel... well, cared for in a way that was hard to put into words. But now wasn't the time for those thoughts.

Aria nodded and leapt into the air, her wings beating furiously as she flew toward the building. Behind her, she heard the unmistakable sounds of battle—Ruin's low growl, the thud of her fists meeting her enemies, and the sharp howls that shook the ground. Ruin's wolf quirk was something to behold. Her strength, her speed, her ferocity. She dominated any opponent that stood in her way.

Aria quickly reached the civilians trapped inside the building. She extended her hand to one of the terrified children, her halo glowing brighter as she spoke in a soothing voice, "It's okay, I'm here to help. Let's get you out of here."

As Aria carefully lifted the child into her arms, a villain suddenly burst through the wall, his arms crackling with electric energy. He lunged at her, aiming for her wings.

Aria's heart skipped a beat. Her wings were too sensitive, and the electricity would—

A dark blur moved between them.


She intercepted the attack, grabbing the villain's arm and twisting it with an audible crack. "You're not touching her," Ruin snarled, her eyes blazing with fury.

The villain cried out, collapsing as Ruin threw him to the ground, unconscious. She turned to Aria, her expression softening ever so slightly. "You alright?"

Aria nodded, her chest tightening. Ruin had saved her again. "Yeah, thanks."

"Don't thank me," Ruin said with a smirk, stepping closer. "Just keep those wings safe. I'll deal with the rest of these guys."

Aria gave a small smile, but her wings trembled slightly, the sensitive feathers brushing against the air. "You know I hate how fragile they make me feel," she whispered.

Ruin tilted her head, stepping closer. Her voice was gentler now. "Your wings don't make you fragile, Aria. They make you you. And besides, I'll always be here to make sure nothing happens to them."

Aria blushed, her heart pounding in her chest. There was something about the way Ruin said those words—fierce, protective, but also... tender.

With a quick nod, Aria refocused on the civilians. She didn't have time to let herself get distracted by feelings. Not yet.

As she took off into the sky again, she couldn't help but glance back at Ruin, who was already tearing through the remaining villains with ease. Ruin's strength and dominance complemented Aria's grace and healing. Together, they were unstoppable.

And maybe, just maybe, there was something more between them.

But that was a thought for another day.

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