Back Again.

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I raised an eyebrow and leaned back a little.

"Stop bullshitting me, I said that so I could postpone the treatment," I said.

"Well, good thing you did say something, because you really are pregnant Elle."

I furrowed my eyebrows, both disgusted and terrified.

"Who have you had sex with?"

"You're shitting me, right? What've I been telling you, those orderlies raped me Dr. Price," I said balling my fists.

"Elle enough with the lying-"

"I'm not lying! You want to know who the father is? I can tell you exactly who it is, and you can go fucking test him!" I snapped.

"Elle you will not raise your voice at me," he glared straightening up.

I looked up at him with fury.

"You don't want to admit it, because you know what will happen. The damn hospital will be closed down!" I laughed.

"It was that Harry boy, wasn't it," he said ignoring me.

"No, it wasn't you idiot!" I snapped.

"He raped you, he's going to be charged and sent off," he said nodding quickly, talking more to himself.

"Price!" I growled standing up.

"Nurse!" he called, ignoring me still.

One of the nurses from earlier came over to his side.

"I want the police called immediately, this girl was raped."

She gasped, over dramatically. Almost everyone knew it was one of the orderlies, but everyone also knew what would happen if it ever got out what was really going on here.

I shoved past them both and ran out into the hall. James jumped a little before straightening up. Before he could speak I grabbed his hand and quickly ran back to the basement door. I threw it open before dragging him down the stairs and back to Dante's cell. Tears threaten to fall as I stopped in front of his cell, panting slightly.

"Dante!" I cried gripping the bars," you have to get us out of here, now!"

I saw his face appear, he looked almost concerned.

"I can't do that," he said shaking his head.

"Please! I'm pregnant, its one of those two fucking guard's I know it! They're pinning it on you, they're gonna charge you with rape and have you sent to prison!"

"Wait, you're what?" James gasped.

Dante looked at me, concentrating. He wasn't surprised, or freaked out, he just looked like he was thinking very hard.

"Harry I need you to back off you heard what she said. I can't use my full powers unless you let go," he said stepping away from  the door.

"No it's not, not right now! Do you want to be sent to prison Harry? You'll never see her again!"

I didn't understand the conversation because I couldn't hear what Harry was saying.

"Please! Harry please just do what he asks!" I cried.

I was frightened, I didn't want him to get sent away. I was also sickened that doctor price, of all people, would try to cover this up.

Dante didn't say anything more as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. A minute or two passed before he opened them, they were black.

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