She Is Far From Okay.

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Harrys POV

I looked down at her as my hands shook slightly. Confusion hit me, along with fear.

"W-what happened? Why isn't she breathing?!" I asked aloud.

A sick feeling formed in my stomach as I remembered exactly what I'd done to her. She warned me, she said she wouldn't be able to take it anymore, but I didn't listen. Warm tears formed at the corners of my eyes as I looked down at her bloody cold face.

"This is your fault! You went to far!" I yelled stumbling back.

I didn't do anything, I am you and you are me. You did this, we did this.

"I am not you! We are nothing alike! You killed the one thing I loved!" I screamed pulling at my hair.

When he didn't speak and own up I only became more angry.

"I'm going to save her! She has to live!" I yelled getting to my feet and picking her up.

I clumsily ran back to the ambulance and threw open the back doors before gingerly setting Ellie down on the bed in the back. I wasn't sure how to use all this stuff but I had to try something. I grabbed an oxygen mask and put it over her nose and mouth before turning the tank on. Next I found a heart monitor and hooked her up to it, I think. It just flat lined so I couldn't tell if I had done it right or if it was yelling at me that she was dead. My hands shook and I dropped things making a mess but I didn't care. I grabbed the things that doctors use to shock people back to life and turned it on and let it warm up. I found some adrenaline and put it in a needle before stabbing her right in the heart with it. Heavy tears fell down my cheeks, I didn't know what the hell I was doing and if I was helping or making it worse.

Once the machine warmed up I rubbed them together as id seen on TV. I ripped open her shirt and pressed them to her skin shocking her once. I waited a few seconds but nothing change. I tried a second time and again nothing happened. I didn't know how many more times I could do this.

"Please do something," I sobbed ready to shock her again.

I am doing something.

"No you're not I'm trying to save her!" I yelled

No response.

Out of fear and anger I did it a couple more time before throwing them at the wall in defeat. I let out a loud sob and pulled my knees and arms in close to me. I held in my sobs and moans of grief so the only sound was that of the flat lining heart monitor.

How could I let this happen? How could I have done that to her? She was scared when I suggested getting out using the demon. I shouldn't have done it but I did because I was only thinking about myself. Shaking my head in disappointment and hate I crawled out of the ambulance and fell to my knees.

Harry look.

I ignored him and looked around unsure of what to do now.

Harry you idiot turn around!

"Shut up!" I yelled getting to my feet and turning around.

In between my heavy breaths I heard a faint beep. I froze, thinking that perhaps some how the demon was making me hear it, to mess with me. But I continued to hear it and it grew as I climbed into the back of the ambulance. I looked at the heart monitor and saw it was now beeping, showing a faint heart beat.

"E-Elle?" I whispered grabbing her hand lightly.

Of course I didn't expect her to respond but that was okay. I quickly placed a kiss on her cheek before getting out and closing the back doors, climbing into the drivers seat. I headed away from that hospital and to another. Maybe they wouldn't recognize me, maybe they would, but I needed to get her some help.

The next one was almost 25 minutes away, by then she might be dead. I came to a stop along the side of the road and got out running to the back where I opened the doors and gathered her in my arms. I ran across the parking lot and to the front entrance where I burst through the doors screaming for help. I got everyone's attention and within seconds she was taken from my arms and led away from me. That's not what I wanted, I wanted them to help her, not take her. I attempted to follow but was stopped by a nurse. She wasn't going to stop me, so I shoved her aside and continue to follow the nurses that led her away. This time a larger man, bigger then me, stopped me. It was either wait until I was allowed to see her, or get kicked out.

3 hours went by, and there was nothing from a doctor nor a nurse. No news, no sign, nothing.

What exactly do you think is going to happen if she wakes up?

"I will take her out of here and go somewhere safe," I mumbled with my eyes closed.

No you idiot, she will hate you. You killed her, you hurt her.

A low chuckle rumbled through my head.

"You mean you, you did all that!" I snapped, earning a few weird looks from the couple other people in the room.

You mean we, we did that together, like in the woods, that was all you in the end, I was so proud.

I balled my fist but tried to push him out of my mind.

Stupid boy, you're to weak.

I clenched by jaw but forced myself to take deep breaths. Anger would only feed his power, I need to stay calm. Closing my eyes I took a couple deep breaths and didn't hear anything more. Maybe calming myself down did really work, or maybe he just decided to go away. Either way, he was gone and I was glad.

Another hour past before a young doctor came out calling my last name. I quickly stood up and strode over to him.

"That's me, Mr. Styles, how is my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Well, we were able to get her stable for a while, she woke up and starting lashing out at nurses and going insane, we were forced to put her under. She was speaking of a demon, and acts of rape and voices as well as seeing creatures trying to hurt her. I would like to admit her to the psychiatric hospital within the next day," he said.

"No! No, I can take care of her, she's just scared, we were in a car accident not even a day ago, she's just confused," I said quickly.

"I had her diagnosed by one of our professionals, she is far from okay. She is not only scared from a few tragedies that we do not know of but as well as having developed a couple mental disorders, some with in the last month or so," he said with a sad look.

"Where is she, I want to see her!" I said ignoring his comments.

"I'll show you. But I am authorized to put her into any care that I believe is necessary and I can see for a fact she's not only a danger to herself but others, she will be admitted to the psychiatric hospital."

"No, no, you can't do that!" I said

"Unless family steps forward, the state makes the decisions, especially because she is a minor," he said.

There was no use in arguing, his mind was set on locking her back up in that horrible place. I would just have to get her out before they did that. But where would we go?

Perhaps, going back to the hospital, would be best for everyone.

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