Love Makes You Weak, Love Keeps You Strong.

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Elle's POV

It seems to be the only thing I know anymore. But, psychical pain is much more bearable than emotional. With a bruise or a broken bone, you know that it will heal, with a broken heart, you never know when the pain will be over.

Pain is associated with love. You must experience pain before love, although some are quite lucky and go straight to love, and then there are those who believe they are in love, when they are not.

I can't help but feel sympathy for them, for they are only causing themselves more hurt, but I've come to find that I, myself, am one of those people.

I thought I was in love with harry, but as I lay in this hospital bed broken and unable to speak or move, it's clear now, that I only thought I did, and I thought he loved me back. How weak and sick I feel thinking of the things he's done to me, yet I only continued to love him, but no more, never again.


It was silent, mostly. I heard the chatter outside in the hall, and the beeping of the many machines along side the bed. Harry sat beside me with his head down and his curls smooshed up against his slightly oily skin. He was breathing lightly but he looked stressed and truly upset about what he had done, making it that much harder to hate him.

I found that I was unable to move. There was a brace on my neck and a cast on both my right leg and arm. A couple ribs were broken and my left wrist was fractured. I wondered what ridiculous story he told the nurses and doctors. The car accident right before Harrys fit probably did most of the damage, though. Harrys hand was tightly holding mine causing me to pull it away, which caused him to wake.

"Elle, how are you feeling?" He asked smiling a little and sitting up.

I balled my fists and shut my eyes in response.

"Babe, come on, talk to me," he said softly.

I felt his hand slide into mine again making me flinch away.

"Elle, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, I know that I can't even begin to apologize, but I am very sorry," he spoke softly.

I opened my eyes and slowly looked over at him.

"Once you're well enough to move, they're going to take you back to the hospital," he said looking down with his eyes closed.

My eyes widened and I shook my head as much as I could in the neck brace.

"No, no please don't let them send me back!" I croaked.

"I think it's better for everyone," he whispered.

"It's not Harry you know what they will do," I begged.

"I can't stop them, its a state law or something, besides, you'll be safer there than you are with me," he said looking away.

I raised my eyebrows a little surprised, for once he cared more about my safety, than staying with him.

"You should have come to that conclusion a long time ago! I could be dead right now becuase of you!" I snapped," and what's gonna happen to you, huh? You're just gonna go off and be free, while I get thrown back in hell?!"

He shook his head a little, I could see the sorrow and fear and his eyes causing my harsh glare to soften.

"W-what are you going to do Harry?" I asked.

"Something I shoud have done a long time ago, before we'd even met," he choked out.

I looked at him frightened of what he was thinking of doing.

"Don't do anything stupid Harry," I said trying to sit up a little.

He shook his head and pushed me back down.

"It's better for everyone. I've hurt so many people, including the one girl I love," he said.

"Harry, it wasn't you, it was the demon," I spoke trying to reach out to him.

I don't know why I said that to him, I myself was so angry because I knew it was the both of them, but I guess despite how much I hated him, I still cared and I didn't want to hurt him.

"It was both of us," he spoke as if reading my mind.


"Elle, stop. I know what I've done, and now, I have to fix it," he said forcing a small smile.

"And how do you think you're going to fix it?" I asked quietly.

I could see the smile grow on his lips, but with it, grew sadness. He didn't speak but only smiled sadly and nodded a couple times before letting his head fall into his hands.

"Damn it Harry, tell me!" I said raising my voice.

"Elle, please," he murmured tiredly.

I looked at him with hate and anger and sadness. How could he do this to me? Hurt me then rip my heart out and send me back to that prision.

"You're not leaving me!" I choked as angry tears formed in my eyes," not after everything!"

I hated myself a little bit more with each word that left my mouth. I was only putting myself through more hell, staying with him, and it was going agianst everything I told myself.

"I am," he spoke slowly looking at me.

I was surprise at his response, I thought he would be happy I wanted him to stay.

"No you're not!" I yelled through gritted teeth.

He slowly stood up before leaning down and pressing his lips lightly to mine. I instantly kissed back but moved closer, trying to get more of him, but he borke the kiss and straightened up. He squeezed my hand lighlty before turning his back to me and wakling to the door.

"Get back here!" I cried sitting up, despite the pain that shot through my body. I threw my legs over the side of the bed screaming and crying for him to stop, but he didn't. It was almost as if we were in slow motion. I could'n't seem to get up fast enough to go after him. He disappeared out the door and I threw myself off the bed stumbling to the floor causing myself imense pain, but that was the least of my worries. Someone came through the door and ran to me, and for a split second, I thought it was Harry, but I looked up to see a male nurse yelling something to me. I coudn't hear him though, everything was silent, even as more nurses and a doctor came in. I stopped screaming and crying and stayed on my back on the floor as the 5 people looked down at me panicked.

He was gone, for good, and there was nothing I could do about it. I hated him and loved him so much it killed me. He was ready to let me go, but I wasn't, after everything he'd done to me. I needed him, no matter what I told myself, I needed Harry, more than anything, becuase I was inevitably in love with him.

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