Chapter 3 - Odessa

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"It isn't that bad" Syl says as she tightens the strings on my green corset. I have been forced to greet all the tournament candidates, to meet and learn their names so I knew all the people who are competing for my hand in marriage. I would have argued with the king but to be honest, I fear him, of what he would do if I didn't show up, I would probably be exiled, or even worse, murdered. Sylvanna pulls my hair back and ties it up into a bun, I wince as she pulls a few strands of hair out. She smiles and I just scowl back, "did you have to pull so hard?" I hold my bun like it has just been ripped off and glued back on, "don't be such a baby." I hold up the middle finger to her and she frowns, slapping me lightly on the shoulder. We hear a knock at the door and a guard walks in saying that the men are all lining up outside now, Sylvanna smiles and says that before we go down that we should look at who they are from the window, to see if they all aren't old men. I pick up my long black skirt, so I don't trip, and I speed-walk to the window, I sit on the windowsill and Sylvanna takes a seat next to me, opening the curtains fully. We look at the men walking in, and there are multiple old men, who look like perverts, then there is a selection of men our age who look like snobs that will abuse me, then there is also a selection of young boys who really shouldn't be there. I frown as none of these men catch my eye, but then I see him. "Woah look at that guy's hair" Syl says pointing to a man our age that walks through the gate, he is taller than me, and his jawline is sharp, I can see it from here. But the one thing I remember is that hair, I still think it is a funny colour, that white is so noticeable that if he were an assassin, he would be picked out swiftly. it is as white as snow and does not match the rest of him at all, it really is odd. "Yeah..." I mumble, "what odd hair." Sylvanna frowns, "I don't think it's that odd, kind of cool if you ask me-" "well I wasn't" I cut in and she snaps her head to me, I sigh and shut my eyes, "sorry... I just don't want to do this, I do not want to marry" I stand up and walk towards the door, Sylvanna looks out the window one more time, before standing up and taking my hand, "you got this." She gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and I smile at her, "time to play like the doll The king wants me to be" I plaster a permanent smile onto my face, and I hold my head high, rolling my shoulders back to stand taller and I wrap my arm through Sylvanna's, who is also standing confident and tall.

The King Greets Sylvanna and I at the front door of the castle, "you look as beautiful as ever, dear." He smiles at me and offers me his arm, I curtsey to him and greet him, "your majesty" I smile, and he frowns, like he has forgotten everything from the other night. I re-attach my arm to Sylvanna's, and he tries to signal me to take his arm, but I just start walking, Sylvanna following right next to me. I walk outside quicker then the King and I head to the start of the line, every man starts bowing to me and the King rushes out, introducing me, sounding stern because I did not wait for him to say the rules of this meeting. "Princess Herron of Halsister, Heir to the throne" the king announces but nobody is listening, they are all watching me walk, taking notes of my body shape, my appearance, they are noting how well our kids will look and if I will become ugly after a child or two. Some are licking their lips and some reach out to touch me but Sylvanna slaps them away before I do it myself. One by one the men introduce themselves to me, bowing and kissing my hand, some of them leaving a trail of saliva. Sylvanna gives me a handkerchief after each one, so I can wipe my hand. I push down the feeling to punch some of these men, who so blatantly state that they cannot wait to wed me and get me into a bed. I keep a smile plastered on my face, even though it is now hurting. I get introduced to a few boys who are no older then 10, poor souls. One of the boys leans up to kiss my hand and I crouch to get to his level, "why are you here boy?" I ask and he steps back, his face pink from embarrassment, "M-My Mummy forced me M-Ma'am" I drop my smile and my face twists, why would someone be so cruel to force a young boy who can't even talk like a man yet to sign his death warrant, it's disgusting. I smile and lean in to give the boy a kiss on the cheek, he goes as red as a tomato and I hold his hands, "you are too young for this challenge boy, I will take care of you do not fret." He gives me a shy smile as I stand up and Sylvanna whispers to me, "are you allowed to do that?" I shake my head but smile at her, an innocent smile that hides a wicked meaning, she smiles right back. I go through more men, some my age who seem fit enough to marry me, but not king, and some who are fit for king, but not marriage. I don't really take notes on any of these men, they are nothing but a burden to me, just like I am nothing but a prize to them. I keep my head down as I walk further, passing the line of men, giving them all a curtsey, and without even registering it, I was already Curtseying the boy with white hair. He bows and I hold out my hand for him to kiss, but he does no such thing. I frown at him, "you are not going to kiss my hand?" he shakes his head, "I would rather not, Your majesty, if that is alright with you." I nod slowly, confused by his actions. "I know you" I tilt my head and the man stiffens slightly. "Do you now" he says after a moment and I nod, letting go of Sylvanna, who steps back. The man stands still as I walk around him slowly, trying to remember where I know him from, then it hits me. I swiftly walk to face him again and my eyes widen, "you are that clumsy boy who ran into me all those years ago" He barely gives me a nod of conformation, I continue, "Your name, it starts with a B if I am not mistaken" He gives me another nod but doesn't tell me what his name is, he wants me to guess. I will not be made a fool by a nobody. "Your hair really is funny, you know that?" I say crossing my arms trying to get a reaction, it really is silly of me to do so but once again I don't really care. he frowns, "your eyes are also funny, princess." I drop my arms and open my mouth, slightly taken aback. "How dare you speak to me like that" I step closer to him and he does not move, though he seems smaller now. "I am merely stating facts, your majesty." He looks down at me and I can tell he is studying my eyes, I shut them and step back, placing my hands together in front of me, and smiling at him, "well then, until we meet again, Blaise." His eyes widen in surprise that I remembered his name, I am also surprised, I do not know how or why I remembered his name, I just did. I link arms with Sylvanna once again as we walk back to the castle with even paces, and I can feel everybody's eyes on me, but even more so Blaise's. "What was that about, who is that?" Syl asks and I shake my head, "just another dumb man who does not deserve me or the crown." Sylvanna laughs and pats my arm, and we enter the castle, leaving the men to the kings' speech.

I sit at my vanity, finally getting some alone time, Once Sylvanna and I walked up to my room, she got me out of that awfully uncomfortable outfit and into my night gown, I thank her and tell her to just take the rest of the afternoon off, that she deserves it, and she happily agrees as she leaves swiftly. I look at myself in the mirror, at the green eyes that stare back at me, I cannot help but think back to what that man said, "Your eyes are also funny, princess." Funny? I think my eyes are exquisite and unique, but then again, I feel like a panther, with my black hair and pale skin. This boy is so weird, he did not kiss my hand, he talked back to me, and he did not fear my gaze as most others would. Not that I care of course, why would I? He is just another man here to win me and become king, I will not make it easy for my future husband. I will fight to have a say in things, I am the actual daughter of the Queen, after all. God if only Lukas was here to help. I stand up from my vanity, tracing my hand along the wood as I wander to my window, I open the curtains and Sit on the windowsill, Placing my head back onto the wall behind me. The night sky is clear tonight, and the Crecent moon shines at me, smiling. I sigh and talk to the night, "what did I do so wrong to be placed in this situation, to be stuck in a nightmare that I cannot escape from?" I wait a moment, but nothing replies, not even a whisper of wind brushes the window. I groan and walk to my bed, tucking myself in and staring up at my chandelier, which shimmers, Tomorrow Is another day.

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